- Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
- Advance Geographic Information Systems
- GIS Principles and Applications
- Application of RS and GIS
- GIS for Environmental Engineering
- Application of GIS in Water Resource Management
1. Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
1."Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems" by Michael N Demers
“Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems” Book Review: This book is designed for a wide range of readers, including geographers and students from various disciplines. It covers essential concepts and skills such as digital geographic data and maps, GIS data models, and spatial analysis. It discusses topics such as measurement and classification, cartographic modeling, and GIS design. With a focus on practical and relevant coverage, the book provides comprehensive guidance on GIS design and implementation. It also includes web-based labs and links to current and updated dataset resources, enhancing the learning experience and ensuring access to the latest information.
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2."Fundamentals of Geographic Information System" by Rabi N Sahoo and Debashis Chakraborty
“Fundamentals of Geographic Information System” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for readers from diverse fields, including geographers and students in various disciplines. It covers a wide range of topics, including the Fundamentals of GIS, Map Language, Maps as Numbers, Data Models and Data Structures, and Input of Map Data. It explores areas such as Spatial Database Management, Spatial Analysis, Modeling Surfaces, and Output. The book also discusses the intersection of Remote Sensing and GIS, as well as the key issues in the field. It provides a step-by-step approach to understanding Geographical Information Sciences as a discipline and Geographic Information Systems.
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3."Fundamentals of Remote Sensing" by George Joseph
“Fundamentals of Remote Sensing” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for a wide range of readers, including geographers and students from various fields. It covers the technology and applications of remote sensing, aiming to present fundamental concepts that focuses on the entire process from data collection to end utilization. A unique feature of this book is its Indian perspective, highlighting the contributions of the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) program in remote sensing technology and applications. It also includes a bibliography and references, along with a list of useful websites for further exploration and specialized references on remote sensing. The book focuses on the practical applications of remote sensing and highlights the latest advancements in the IRS series.
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4."Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Disaster Management" by Brian Tomaszewski
“Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Disaster Management” Book review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate and graduate-level disaster management courses. It serves as a valuable resource, equipping readers with essential decision support and analytical capabilities for effective disaster management. The textbook covers the fundamentals of GIS, exploring its capabilities and limitations. It discusses GIS data formats, including vector, raster, and imagery, as well as essential GIS functions such as analysis, map production/cartography, and data modeling. To enhance understanding, the book presents a series of real-life case studies that demonstrate the application of GIS concepts discussed in each chapter. The book adopts a hands-on approach, bridging relevant GIS and disaster management theory with practical examples and exercises.
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5."Fundamentals Of Crime Mapping" by Bryan Hill and Rebecca Paynich
“Fundamentals Of Crime Mapping” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for guide readers through the research, theories, and historical development of geographic information systems in the context of law enforcement. It provides an explanation of the practical application of crime analysis through mapping. The book incorporates numerous real-world scenarios that illustrate key concepts and showcase actual crime patterns, trends, and series. Topics covered include current mapping terminology, crime trends in both rural and urban areas, major ecological theories of crime, and geographic profiling. The book explores empirical research utilizing crime mapping tools, the basics of cartography, police methodologies, and their impact on crime mapping. Later chapters delve into the fundamentals of crime mapping, providing a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
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6."Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems" by Michael N DeMers
“Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems” Book Review: This book is specifically intended for undergraduate and graduate-level disaster management courses. It focuses on a range of fundamental concepts and skills necessary for addressing everyday geographical challenges. The revised edition features enhanced coverage of practical and relevant GIS design and implementation, reflecting the evolving nature of this expanding field. The book explores the changing landscape of GIS applications and the ongoing advancements within the discipline. It also delves into GIS research, providing insights into the latest developments, scientific investigations, and potential applications of geographic information systems.
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7."The Fundamentals of Human Factors Design for Volunteered Geographic Information (SpringerBriefs in Geography)" by Christopher J Parker
“The Fundamentals of Human Factors Design for Volunteered Geographic Information (SpringerBriefs in Geography)” Book Review: This book provides an exploration of the roles that volunteered and professional information play within neogeography, with a particular focus on human factors. It examines various types of information and their potential applications in creating products and services that offer highly functional, efficient, and satisfying experiences to users. The book discusses the integration of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and Professional Geographic Information (PGI), addressing the issue of combining these two sources. It explores the information search requirements of consumer-users through highly usable mashups. The later sections of the book delve into the perceptions of different users regarding the benefits of VGI and PGI in relation to their activities and information needs.
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8."Map Framework: A Formal Model of Maps as a Fundamental Data Type in Information Systems" by Mark McKenney and Markus Schneider
“Map Framework: A Formal Model of Maps as a Fundamental Data Type in Information Systems” Book Review: This book is designed for researchers and professionals engaged in various fields such as geography, computer science, navigation, reasoning, robotics, geospatial analysis, data management, and information retrieval. It discusses the concept of maps as a fundamental data type, offering a comprehensive exploration at three different levels. The book employs graph theory to establish a data model, with a specific focus on its implementation in computer systems. It scrutinizes the implementation of map data types within database systems, providing practical insights into the process. The book presents a complete example, mathematically defining the data type and ensuring the closure properties of operations. It also offers guidance on translating the defined type into a suitable implementation state within a specific context.
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9."Introduction to GIS Programming and Fundamentals with Python and ArcGIS®" by Chaowei Yang
“Introduction to GIS Programming and Fundamentals with Python and ArcGIS®” Book Review: This book is designed for researchers and professionals working in geography or computer science across a range of fields, including navigation, reasoning, robotics, geospatial analysis, data management, and information retrieval. It combines GIS concepts and spatial thinking methodology with practical programming examples, focusing on popular Python-based tools and their application in solving real-world problems. The book covers the programming constructs of Python, including its high-level toolkits, and demonstrates their integration with ArcGIS Theory. With a logical learning workflow, the book includes hands-on computer exercises to enhance interactivity between instructors and students. Pofessionals in the field can benefit from the valuable knowledge provided in the book to enhance their programming skills.
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10."Plant Image Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications" by S Dutta Gupta and Yasuomi Ibaraki
“Plant Image Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications” Book Review: This book is designed for researchers and professionals in the fields of geography and computer science, as well as those involved in navigation, reasoning, robotics, geospatial analysis, data management, and information retrieval. It offers a coverage of basic image analysis concepts and explores various techniques in plant imaging, along with their applications and potential for future advancements. The book discusses different types of imaging techniques, including RGB, hyperspectral, thermal, PRI, chlorophyll fluorescence, ROS, and chromosome imaging. It also addresses the use of these techniques in assessing plant growth, early detection of diseases and stress, and evaluating fruit crop yield. The book focuses on plant chromosome analysis, plant phenotyping, and assessing nutrient status both in vivo and in vitro.
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2. Advance Geographic Information Systems
1."Spatial Statistics and Geostatistics: Theory and Applications for Geographic Information Science and Technology (SAGE Advances in Geographic Information Science and Technology Series)" by Yongwan Chun and Daniel A Griffith
“Spatial Statistics and Geostatistics: Theory and Applications for Geographic Information Science and Technology (SAGE Advances in Geographic Information Science and Technology Series)” Book Review: This book offers a practical approach to understanding spatial statistics and geostatistics. It discusses the spatial filtering techniques used in various programs and software. The topics covered include spatial sampling, spatial autocorrelation, and local statistics. The book provides explanations of Bayesian methods, Monte Carlo simulation, error analysis, and uncertainty assessment. It also explores the applications of spatial statistics and geostatistics in various contexts.
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2."GIS Algorithms (SAGE Advances in Geographic Information Science and Technology Series)" by Ningchuan Xiao
“GIS Algorithms (SAGE Advances in Geographic Information Science and Technology Series)” Book Review: This book covers the key algorithms used in vector-based geographical analysis. It provides practical insights into network travel analysis and explores geometric algorithms, spatial indexing, spatial analysis, and modeling. The book includes numerous examples and exercises at the end of each chapter to enhance understanding and application of the concepts.
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3."Advances in Spatial Data Handling and Analysis (Advances in Geographic Information Science)" by Francis Harvey and Yee Leung
“Advances in Spatial Data Handling and Analysis (Advances in Geographic Information Science)” Book Review: This book provides an in-depth exploration of spatial data handling, focusing on various topics such as network analysis, spatial modeling, statistical analysis, and spatial analysis. It not only covers the theoretical foundations but also includes practical applications to illustrate real-world usage. The book incorporates examples and exercises at the end of each chapter to reinforce understanding and facilitate hands-on learning.
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4."Agent-based Modeling and Simulation in Archaeology (Advances in Geographic Information Science)" by Kerstin Kowarik and Gabriel Wurzer
“Agent-based Modeling and Simulation in Archaeology (Advances in Geographic Information Science)” Book Review: This book is designed for archaeologists, researchers, and scientists seeking an understanding of modeling in archaeology and geosimulation. It discusses topics such as modeling philosophy, archaeological modeling, and geosimulation. The book also provides explanations of agent-based simulation, mining with agents, and reproducibility. It focuses on both theoretical concepts and practical applications, offering readers a well-rounded perspective on the subject.
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5."Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic Information Science (Advances in Geographic Information Science)" by Jacek Malczewski and Claus Rinner
“Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic Information Science (Advances in Geographic Information Science)” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for postgraduate students, researchers, and scientists. It explores the field of multicriteria decision analysis, focusing on spatial analysis, the development of GIS-MCDA, and heuristic methods. The book provides insights into various analysis methods, handling uncertainties, and geographic visualization. It combines theoretical discussions with practical applications, offering readers a valuable resource in the field.
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6."Precipitation: Advances in Measurement, Estimation and Prediction" by Silas C Michaelides
“Precipitation: Advances in Measurement, Estimation and Prediction” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for postgraduate students, researchers, and scientists. It explores the field of multicriteria decision analysis, focusing on spatial analysis, the development of GIS-MCDA, and heuristic methods. The book provides insights into various analysis methods, handling uncertainties, and geographic visualization. It combines theoretical discussions with practical applications, offering readers a valuable resource in the field.
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7."Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems" by Albert K W Yeung and Chor Pang Lo
“Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems” Book Review: This book extensively covers various topics related to precipitation, measurement, estimation, and prediction. It includes discussions on distrometers, measurements of light, rain, heavy fog, and droplet spectrometers. The use of spectral polarimetry and weather radar in limited areas is also explored. The primary focus of the book is to provide an understanding of precipitation-related concepts and techniques.
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8."Remote Sensing And Geographic Information System" by Chandra A M
“Remote Sensing And Geographic Information System” Book Review: This book primarily focuses on spatial modeling and its applications. It covers a wide range of topics including raster geoprocessing, vector geoprocessing, and digital terrain modeling. The book also discusses spatial data analysis, modeling, and mining, as well as GIS implementation and project management. To enhance understanding, the book includes figures, diagrams, and chapter summaries.
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9."Environmental Modelling with GIS and Remote Sensing (Geographic Information Systems Workshop)" by Andrew Skidmore
“Environmental Modelling with GIS and Remote Sensing (Geographic Information Systems Workshop)” Book Review: This book primarily focuses on environmental modeling and its applications. It covers a range of topics including biodiversity mapping and modeling, with a global perspective and focuses on remote sensing systems. The book explores the practical applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems. It effectively combines theories with diagrams and figures to enhance understanding.
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10."Geographic Information System" by Darshana Pathak and Jatin Pandey
“Geographic Information System” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for students studying geotechnical engineering, transport engineering, and water resource engineering. It provides an explanation of raster and vector data, as well as attributive databases. The topics covered in this book include GIS database, GIS data types, and GIS data models. It offers a balanced approach by discussing practical applications alongside theoretical concepts. The book includes model question papers, numerical problems, and solved examples to facilitate learning and assessment.
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11."Geographic Information Science and Mountain Geomorphology (Springer Praxis Books)" by Michael Bishop and John F Shroder
“Geographic Information Science and Mountain Geomorphology (Springer Praxis Books)” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for students with backgrounds in Geography and Geomorphology. It provides an introduction to GIScience and mountain geomorphology at the beginning. The book covers various concepts such as mountains geomorphic systems, sediment budgets, and landscape evolution. It also discusses the ontology of mountains and topography in a detailed manner. Geomorphometry in mountain terrain is extensively discussed, along with the application of remote sensing science and technology for mountain study. The book also includes sections on geostatistics, spatial analysis, and the role of artificial intelligence in mountain landscape study. It explores cartography and visualization in mountain geomorphology, addressing challenges for geoecological research. Detailed explanations of Geographic Information Systems, mountain hazards, and surface hydrology in mountains are provided. The book also highlights the application of GIS in modeling global and regional climate systems.
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3. GIS Principles and Applications
1."Web GIS: Principles and Applications" by Pinde Fu and Jiulin Sun
“Web GIS: Principles and Applications” Book Review: This book provides an overview of web technologies used in GIS applications. It covers key topics such as ArcGIS Server, REST services, JavaScript API/Flex API, and ArcGIS Mobile. The book discusses the principles, concepts, and techniques of web GIS, making it valuable for web developers working in the field of GIS applications.
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2."Geographic Information Systems for Transportation: Principles and Applications (Spatial Information Systems)" by Harvey J Miller and Shih-Lung Shaw
“Geographic Information Systems for Transportation: Principles and Applications (Spatial Information Systems)” Book Review: This book provides an exploration of GIS applications in transportation systems. It covers various key topics including data model and database design, GIS-T data models, transportation data sources and integration, as well as shortest path and routing. Other chapters discusses network flows and facility location, GIS-based spatial analysis and modeling, and transportation planning and logistics. Conclusions are provided at the end of each unit for quick review. This book is valuable for students studying environmental engineering and GIS, offering practical insights into the field of transportation systems.
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3."GIS Based Chemical Fate Modeling: Principles and Applications" by Alberto Pistocchi
“GIS Based Chemical Fate Modeling: Principles and Applications” Book Review: This book offers an exploration of the principles and applications of GIS-based chemical fate modeling. It covers major topics including chemicals, models, and an introduction to GIS. The book also provides a thorough understanding of the basics of chemical compartment models and their implementation using GIS functions. Important topics such as GIS operations, map algebra, distance calculations, and elements of dynamic modeling in GIS are discussed. The book includes references to literature, websites, and online reports for further exploration. Exercises are included to allow students to develop their own GIS-based models. This book is well-suited for students in environmental engineering and GIS, providing valuable insights into the field of GIS-based chemical fate modeling.
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4."Remote Sensing of Vegetation: Principles, Techniques, and Applications" by Hamlyn G Jones and Robin A Vaughan
“Remote Sensing of Vegetation: Principles, Techniques, and Applications” Book Review: This book serves as an introductory guide to remote sensing in vegetation. It covers the principles, techniques, and applications of remote sensing specifically related to vegetation. The book discusses topics such as the fundamentals of radiation physics for remote sensing of vegetation, the radiative properties of vegetation, soils, and water, as well as the functioning of plants and canopies. It also explores earth observation systems, the preparation and manipulation of optical data, multi-angular sensing of vegetation structure, and the modeling of radiation transfer properties. The book includes sections on further reading and recommended websites to encourage students to explore the topics in more depth. Sample problems are provided at the end of each unit to facilitate student practice. This book is well-suited for ecologists and students studying environmental engineering, offering valuable insights into remote sensing in vegetation.
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5."Atmospheric Acoustic Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications" by Stuart Bradley
“Atmospheric Acoustic Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications” Book Review: This book explores the principles and applications of atmospheric acoustic remote sensing. It covers various chapters, including the atmosphere near the ground, the behavior of sound in the atmosphere, and the transmission and reception of sound. It discusses important topics such as SODAR systems and signal quality, SODAR signal analysis, RASS systems, and their applications. Each unit concludes with a summary and references for further exploration. The book includes an appendix that provides mathematical formulas and theorem proofs in Appendix 1. Furthermore, Appendix 2 contains MATLAB code and sample data sets. This resource is particularly beneficial for environmental engineering students interested in the field of remote sensing.
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6."Geographical Information Systems: Principles, Techniques, Management and Applications" by Paul A Longley and Michael F Goodchild
“Geographical Information Systems: Principles, Techniques, Management and Applications” Book Review: This book offers an exploration of the principles and techniques employed in GIS (Geographic Information Systems). It covers various chapters, including the integration of space and time in GIS, data quality considerations, GIS architecture issues, and spatial databases. The book discusses important topics such as technical aspects of GIS data collection, data transformation and linkage, management issues, and the utilization of GIS as a management tool. Each chapter is summarized for quick review of the topics covered. The book discusses recent developments in the field of GIS and offers insights into possible future directions. It is particularly beneficial for environmental engineering students interested in the application of GIS in their field.
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7."Web GIS-Principles and Applications" by Paul R Wolf and Bon A Dewitt
“Web GIS-Principles and Applications” Elements of Photogrammetry with Applications in GIS” Book Review: This book explores the applications and components of photogrammetry within the context of GIS (Geographic Information Systems). It covers key chapters, including the principles of photography and imaging, cameras and other imaging devices, image measurements and refinements, and stereoscopic viewing. The book discusses important topics such as the principles of digital image processing, project planning, and an introduction to GIS. With a total of 21 in-depth chapters, this book provides extensive coverage of the subject matter. An appendix includes a list of figures and tables for quick reference. It is highly recommended for students studying GIS who wish to enhance their understanding of photogrammetry.
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8."PRINCIPLE AND APPLICATION OF GIS-Principles and Applications of GIS" by Ben She | |
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9."Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover: Principles and Applications (Remote Sensing Applications Series)" by Chandra P Giri
“Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover: Principles and Applications (Remote Sensing Applications Series)” Book Review: This book explores the principles and applications of remote sensing in the context of land use and land cover. It covers main topics such as land use and land cover mapping, the relationship between land cover and land use, and land cover classification systems. The book also includes techniques and methods for data acquisition, image interpretation, and accuracy assessment for characterizing and mapping land use and land cover. It presents case studies from various regions around the world, showcasing different continental and national scales. With its focus on remote sensing and GIS, this book is highly beneficial for environmental engineering students seeking to expand their knowledge in this field.
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10."Manual of Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications of Imaging Radar" by Floyd M Henderson and Anthony J Lewis
“Manual of Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications of Imaging Radar” Book Review: This book explores the fundamental principles and applications of image radar in remote sensing. It covers main topics such as radar remote sensing technology, polarimetry, interferometry, and radargrammetry. The book also discusses data interpretation and examines key applications in agriculture, forestry, soil moisture monitoring, and oceanography. It discusses urban analysis and land cover mapping using radar imagery. Geoscientists and professionals working in the field of radar remote sensing can benefit greatly from this book.
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4. Application of RS and GIS
1."Application of RS and GIS for Morphometric and Land Resource Analysis" by Kundu Ramprasad
“Application of RS and GIS for Morphometric and Land Resource Analysis” Book Review: This book is designed for instructors, research scholars, and students specializing in geomorphology, offering comprehensive morphometric details. It introduces a land resource analysis technique for watersheds, utilizing remote sensing and GIS technologies to identify problematic areas and propose potential solutions. The study delves into watershed characterization and prioritization for effective land resource conservation and management, employing remote sensing and GIS techniques. It presents an in-depth analysis leading to the creation of an Erosion Intensity Unit (EIU) map, crucial for calculating sediment yield indices.
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2."Estimation of Rainfall Generated Runoff Using RS and GIS" by Gajbhiye Sarita | |
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3."Application of GIS, RS and GPS for Urban Growth Analysis" by Ajay Babu | |
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4."Application of RS and GIS in Water Resources Management" by Patel Dhruvesh
“Application of RS and GIS in Water Resources Management” Book Review: This book offers insights into the application of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques as powerful tools for defining basin geometry. It incorporates the integrated findings of morphometric analysis (MA) and utilizes models such as the SYI model and USLE model to prioritize watersheds and identify suitable locations for water harvesting structures. The study focuses on the Savli and Kalol talukas in Gujarat, India, which have been specifically chosen for analysis. It explores the relationship between water harvesting structures, natural drainage, soil erosion intensity, and the ranking of micro-watersheds.
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5."A Geographical analysis of flash floods in Indian Himalaya Region: A case study of River Satluj basin using GIS and RS applications, Himachal Pradesh, India" by Rohit Chauhan and Anurag Sharma
“A Geographical analysis of flash floods in Indian Himalaya Region: A case study of River Satluj basin using GIS and RS applications, Himachal Pradesh, India” Book Review: This book explores the occurrences of flash floods in the River Satluj within Himachal Pradesh, aiming to identify vulnerable areas and assess the extent of damages caused. It discusses the advanced and critical disciplines of geography, specifically Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS). The focus of the book lies in utilizing various applications of GIS and remote sensing to study and flash floods in the River Satluj. The content is presented through systematic analysis, accompanied by abundant diagrams, maps, tables, and charts.
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6."Remote Sensing and GIS Integration: Theories, Methods, and Applications: Theory, Methods, and Applications (Electronics)" by Qihao Weng
“Remote Sensing and GIS Integration: Theories, Methods, and Applications: Theory, Methods, and Applications (Electronics)” Book Review: This book starts with theoretical discussions, which are subsequently followed by a series of application areas focusing on urban studies and environmental studies. These studies employ the integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques. Each application area is thoroughly examined, utilizing state-of-the-art methods for analysis. The book provides presentations of one or more case studies, offering detailed insights into the subject matter.
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7."An Introduction to Contemporary Remote Sensing (Electronics)" by Qihao Weng
“An Introduction to Contemporary Remote Sensing (Electronics)” Book Review: This book discusses the most recent advancements in remote sensing and imaging science, covering fundamental principles and essential technologies. These technologies focuses on various methods such as aerial photography, radar, Lidar (light detection and ranging), photogrammetry, satellite imagery, thermal radiation, and more. To illustrate the concepts discussed, the book includes full-color images. Each chapter concludes with review questions to reinforce understanding. This book serves as a solid foundation in remote sensing, providing the necessary knowledge for developing diverse geospatial applications.
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8."GIS and RS Based Fertilizer Suitability Mapping for Wheat, Ethiopia" by Banja Tadesse Hunduma | |
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9."Diagnosing Irrigation Water Resources with Multi-Sensor RS and GIS" by Pawan Kumar Sen
“Diagnosing Irrigation Water Resources with Multi-Sensor RS and GIS” Book Review: The book presents a study conducted on the Roxo catchment in Portugal. The authors have used the Thornthwaite-Mather method and recent climatological data to develop a water balance model. The aim of this study is to assess the available water for irrigation purposes. The book specifically focuses on the period from May to September, which is the main irrigation season. It provides various indicators to evaluate irrigation performance and reveals that none of the major crops in the Roxo area have sufficient water supply. Additionally, the book applies the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) to calculate actual evapotranspiration.
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10."Groundwater Modeling: RS and GIS Perspective" by Nooruddin Shaikh and Rukhsana
“Groundwater Modeling: RS and GIS Perspective” Book Review: This book serves as a valuable resource for identifying appropriate sites for groundwater exploration in hard rock regions. It employs an integrated approach that combines remote sensing and GIS techniques. The book evaluates the potential of groundwater resources in the area by integrating geophysical data with IRS-1D LISS-III imagery. Multiple geospatial datasets are utilized within a geographic information system to map lithology, structures, geomorphology, soils, land use/land cover, slope, and drainage patterns. These analyses aid in selecting potential zones for further development of groundwater resources.
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5. GIS for Environmental Engineering
1."Advanced Surveying: Total Station, GIS and Remote Sensing" by GOPI
“Advanced Surveying: Total Station, GIS and Remote Sensing” Book Review: This book covers various topics related to advanced surveying technology. The main chapters provide an in-depth exploration of fundamental GIS concepts, GIS data models, data acquisition, maps, and map projections. It also includes discussions on the coordinate system, applications of GIS, as well as the basics of total station and electronic distance measurement. To enhance practical knowledge, the book incorporates several case studies within each unit. Review questions are included at the end of each unit to facilitate student practice. This book serves as a valuable reference for students studying GIS and advanced civil engineering.
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2."GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management" by John G Lyon
“GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management” Book Review: This book provides an overview of using GIS in water resource and watershed management. It covers a range of main topics, including channel network analysis, daily nation-end watershed segmentation, assessing the performance of automated watershed segmentation, and developing a basin geomorphic information system utilizing TIM-DEM data structures. With a total of 19 chapters, this book features contributions from various scientists and researchers. It is particularly beneficial for civil engineering students seeking to expand their knowledge in this field.
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3."Mapping and Modeling Weather and Climate with GIS" by Lori Armstrong
“Mapping and Modeling Weather and Climate with GIS” Book Review: This book focuses on essential knowledge on geospatial cartography and analysis, particularly beneficial for atmospheric science research. It covers a wide range of topics, including data representation, observations, modeling, and the integration of data models. It explores web services and the potential for cross-fertilization between atmospheric and geospatial sciences. With a total of 23 chapters, this book features contributions from renowned climatologists and meteorologists. It provides an understanding of mapping and modeling projects, making it a valuable resource for advanced-level civil engineering students.
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4."Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS Applications in Earth and Environmental Studies" by Abhisek Santra and Shreyashi Santra Mitra
“Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS Applications in Earth and Environmental Studies” Book Review: This book offers an explanation of remote sensing, GIS, GPS, digital image processing, and environmental modeling. It is specifically designed for undergraduate engineering students enrolled in relevant courses. The book explores the diverse applications of geographic information systems in earth and environmental studies. Topics covered include the identification of geospatial objects using spectral patterns, estimation of land surface temperature, detection of urban heat islands, and an overview of spectroscopic geochemical studies of earth analogs for Mars. The book includes chapters on sources of remote sensing data and information, as well as remote sensing periodicals. Each topic is written by renowned researchers and department heads from different universities worldwide. The inclusion of images aids in accurate of the concepts presented. This book serves as a valuable resource for advanced geology information system students.
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5."Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Using GIS (Water Science and Technology Library)" by Baxter E Vieux
“Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Using GIS (Water Science and Technology Library)” Book Review: This book offers insights into the modeling of hydrologic processes in both spatial and temporal dimensions. It covers various topics, including the principles of implementing distributed models using geospatial data, hydrologic processes in urban, rural, and peri-urban watersheds, as well as conversion laws. Abundant examples are provided throughout the book to facilitate a deeper understanding of hydrologic analysis and predictions. The content of this book is particularly relevant for advanced geology and GIS students seeking to enhance their knowledge in this field.
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6."GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering (Wiley Works)" by Venkatesh Uddameri and Barnali Dixon
“GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering (Wiley Works)” Book Review: This book serves as an introductory guide to the fundamental principles of geographic information systems (GIS) and mathematical models. It covers chapters that explore the foundational concepts of water resource planning, management, and engineering. The book discusses spatially oriented sustainable solutions, utilizing the technology of mathematical modeling. Practical learning is enhanced through the inclusion of numerous case studies. The book incorporates physics-based and empirical models, as well as discussions on neural networks and fuzzy set theory. This book is an excellent resource for students studying advanced civil engineering and GIS, providing valuable insights and knowledge in these fields.
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7."Hydrological Applications of GIS (Advances in Hydrological Processes)" by A M Gurnell and D R Montgomery
“Hydrological Applications of GIS (Advances in Hydrological Processes)” Book Review: This book explores the technical challenges encountered in the hydrological applications of GIS. It presents a collection of papers that highlight the key issues surrounding hydrological applications of GIS in the late 1990s. The topics covered include discussions on the technical and ethical implications of data quality, challenges associated with the development of multidisciplinary approaches, and the derivation of valuable hydrological information from high-resolution digital elevation models. The book also offers examples of distributed hydrological models within GIS applications. It is a valuable resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying GIS, geography, and environmental engineering.
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8."Remote Sensing for Hazard Monitoring and Disaster Assessment: Marine and Coastal Applications in the Mediterranean Region (Current Topics in Remote Sensing)" by Eric C Barrett and Krystyna A Brown
“Remote Sensing for Hazard Monitoring and Disaster Assessment: Marine and Coastal Applications in the Mediterranean Region (Current Topics in Remote Sensing)” Book Review: This book discusses the principles and applications of environmental remote sensing techniques. It covers a range of topics, including space-based mapping and monitoring of terrestrial environments, coastal hazard monitoring, and disaster assessment. Special attention is given to addressing issues such as earthquakes, volcanic activity, soil erosion, and crop damage. The content of this book is particularly beneficial for graduate students specializing in Environmental Protection and Management, providing them with valuable insights and knowledge in the field of environmental remote sensing.
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9."GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems" by U M Shamsi
“GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems” Book Review: This book offers a unique combination of analytical rigor and accessibility, providing an understanding of the subject matter. In the latest edition, new chapters, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS), have been added. The book contains a wealth of examples and exercise questions that allow readers to practice and test their grasp of the concepts covered. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the planning, design, operation, and construction of water, wastewater, and storm-water systems. It covers topics such as remote sensing, DEM data, GPS, internet applications, and mobile GIS, supported by a rich collection of references and labeled diagrams. The book caters to the needs of students preparing for competitive examinations, as well as undergraduate students seeking a solid foundation in the field. It describes various applications of GIS for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems, covering topics such as GIS applications, needs analysis, remote sensing applications, DEM applications, GPS applications, internet applications, mobile GIS, mapping, and case studies. Each unit is accompanied by useful websites, case studies, chapter questions, and summaries to enhance students’ understanding. This book is a valuable resource for students studying GIS and environmental engineering.
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10."Hyperspectral Imaging: Techniques for Spectral Detection and Classification" by Chein-I Chang
“Hyperspectral Imaging: Techniques for Spectral Detection and Classification” Book Review: This book covers a range of techniques for spectral detection and classifications in image processing. It explores topics such as hyperspectral measures for spectral characterization, target abundance constrained sub-pixel detection, and automatic sub-pixel detection. Other chapters discuss the sensitivity of sub-pixel detection, unconstrained mixed pixel classification, and quantitative analysis of mixed to pure pixel conversion. Each unit is concluded with a summary for quick review of the topics covered. The book provides descriptions of equations and methods, accompanied by their respective proofs. It is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the fields of image processing and remote sensing.
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6. Application of GIS in Water Resource Management
1."Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation" by Lillesand T M and Kiefer R W
“Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation” Book Review: This book has been completely rewritten to include the latest advancements in engineering. It covers topics such as analyzing geographic data and using sensor technologies for environmental monitoring. The book uses diagrams to help readers better understand the content. It aligns with the current syllabus of Indian universities and includes subjects like land use, geospatial analysis, image interpretation, and site-suitability analysis. The author provides a detailed description of these topics. Additionally, the book offers solved numerical examples from university exams at the end of each chapter.
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2."An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems" by Heywood I
“An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for a diverse audience, including environmentalists, hydrologists, socio-economic scientists, engineering students, and teachers. It focuses on exam patterns and the latest research results, providing a comprehensive scope for preparation. The book delves into various concepts across its chapters, covering topics such as sources of remote sensing data and information, as well as remote sensing periodicals. Advanced concepts including image interpretation, application of images, and land use, land cover, and geographic information systems are also extensively addressed. To facilitate revision, each chapter contains detailed descriptions, examples, laws, and important points. This book serves as a valuable resource, equipping readers with a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
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3."Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation" by Floyd F Sabins
“Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation” Book Review: This book is specifically aimed at undergraduate level students, presenting the concepts in a straightforward and concise manner. The chapters follow a logical sequence, and the book includes a diverse range of solved examples. It covers topics such as web-based and mobile GIS, exploring their practical applications and addressing various associated problems. The diagrams provided in the book are clear and accurate. The book employs standard and simplified procedures for deriving equations, and it offers an abundance of solved examples to reinforce understanding. While suitable for a wide range of readers, this book particularly caters to the needs of chemical and mechanical engineering students.
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4."Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective" by Jensen J R
“Introductory Digital Image Processing: A Remote Sensing Perspective” Book Review: This textbook focuses on the fundamental aspects of digital image processing, specifically aircraft and satellite-derived data, as well as biophysical data from remote sensors. It aims to present the subject as both a science and an art, offering an understanding to students. The theories and explanations are reinforced by a wide array of solved examples. To enhance clarity, additional figures have been incorporated into the book. Various pedagogically arranged questions, including multiple choice questions, are provided to help students assess their understanding of the subject. While suitable for a broad range of readers, this book is primarily designed as a textbook for environmentalists, hydrologists, and socio-economic scientists.
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5."Urban Hydrology, Watershed Management and Socio-Economic Aspects (Water Science and Technology Library)" by Arup Kumar Sarma
“Urban Hydrology, Watershed Management and Socio-Economic Aspects (Water Science and Technology Library)” Book Review: This book offers coverage and ample exercises to ensure readers gain a thorough understanding upon completing the book. It includes chapters on advanced hydrological analysis, computational methods, and the ecological and sociological aspects of urban watershed management, among other topics. Each chapter is enriched with a multitude of solved examples. Advanced concepts, such as scientific studies on urban hydrology with a focus on ecological and sociological aspects in the face of a changing climate, are extensively explored. The book is designed for environmentalists, hydrologists, socio-economic scientists, as well as students preparing for various competitive examinations.
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6."Gis: Fundamentals, Applications and Implementations" by K Elangovan
“Gis: Fundamentals, Applications and Implementations” Book Review: This book serves as a guide for courses in civil engineering, geosciences, forestry, disaster mitigation, ecology, environment, and various other fields across the country. Typically offered to students in their first to third year of graduate college, it is recommended to follow elementary courses beforehand. The book has undergone regular revisions to incorporate relevant changes occurring each year. It includes chapters on the development of GIS, data structures, database concepts, map projections, hardware and software requirements for implementing GIS, error handling, and advanced analysis.
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7."Application of GIS and remote sensing in ecology" by Dessalegn Ejigu
“Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Ecology” Book Review: This textbook focuses on the fundamental aspects, with a particular focus on the planning, design, operation, and construction of water, wastewater, and stormwater systems, presenting the subject as both a science and an art. The theories and explanations are complemented by numerous solved examples, while additional figures are included to enhance clarity. Pedagogically arranged multiple choice questions and other assessment tools are provided to assist students in evaluating their understanding of the subject. Primarily designed as a textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students, it is also a valuable resource for undergraduate engineering students.
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8."Applications of GIS in Operations of Open Cast Mining" by Bahaa Gomaa Abd El-Halim Mousa and Abd El-Rahem Khalefa Embaby
“Applications of GIS in Operations of Open Cast Mining” Book Review: The book presents the subject of GIS in a clear and concise manner, covering the syllabus of almost all universities. It is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as teachers. The end-of-chapter exercises are categorized into descriptive, analytical, and objective types, providing readers with valuable opportunities to test their understanding of the subject. The book systematically and logically discusses various aspects, including the development of GIS, data structures, database concepts, map projections, hardware and software requirements for implementation, error identification and correction, and advanced analysis. The methods for analyzing and interpreting mapping, monitoring, modeling, and maintenance activities in efficient water, wastewater, and stormwater systems management are presented in a straightforward manner, accompanied by well-formulated worked-out examples to illustrate their design applications.
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9."Maximizing the Power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Applied Land Informatics (Mellen Studies in Geography)" by Toru Otawa
“Maximizing the Power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Applied Land Informatics (Mellen Studies in Geography)” Book Review: This book aims to enhance the utilization of GIS in corporate environments through improved understanding. It provides insights into effective GIS design tailored to align with organizational missions, goals, and requirements. The book includes a questionnaire to evaluate values and perceptions related to the model components. It showcases the step-by-step implementation of geospatial information systems (GIS) at an organization-wide or corporate level, highlighting the evolution over time.
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