- Analog Circuits
- Analog Electronic Circuits
- Advance Analogue Design
- Analog IC Design
- CMOS Analog IC Design
1. Analog Circuits
1."Microelectronics" by J Millman and A Grabel
Book Review: This beginner’s electronics book has been widely successful. It utilizes a flexible organizational structure and effectively employs a second color throughout the text. The book covers all devices in one place to help develop circuit characteristics early on. It provides practical information and a physical understanding of electronics alongside theoretical mathematical foundations. The topics covered include the physical and chemical properties of silicon semiconductors, Thevenin and Norton’s equations, and microelectronic devices such as diodes and transistors. The book also discusses the relationship between logic circuits and microelectronic circuits.
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2."Analog Circuits" by Robert Pease
Book Review: The book is a compilation of carefully selected data and information related to analog design. It features optimal design techniques for op amps, feedback loops, and various types of filters. The book presents case studies and design illustrations for a range of projects, focusing on fundamental design principles pertinent to current developments in the field of analog circuits. The book also offers a comprehensive overview of key concepts such as feedback control and stability, and it covers the essentials of op-amp topologies and data conversion.
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3."Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science and Personalities" by Jim Williams
Book Review: The book discusses philosophical theories and practical applications related to analog design, offering insights into how designers approach and solve problems. It presents a range of methods to aid in analog design tasks and serves as a valuable guide to analog theory and applications. With visualizations of analog circuit operations, the book also explores how to determine approximate values for circuit parameters.
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4."Analog Circuit Design Techniques" by Stanic Kinget Tsividis Pun Chatterjee
“Analog Circuit Design Techniques at 0.5V” Book Review: This book provides a methodical examination of the obstacles encountered while designing RF circuits and MOS analogs at a power supply voltage of 0.5V. The book effectively illustrates circuit biasing techniques and signal processing circuits using the design of Operational Transconductance Amplifiers. It also covers true low voltage techniques and circuit implementations of body and gate input fully differential amplifiers. This book is targeted towards analog circuit designers, researchers, and graduate students studying integrated circuit design and semiconductors.
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5."Fault Diagnosis of Analog Integrated Circuits" by Satyabroto Sinha Alok Barua Prithviraj Kabisatpathy
“Fault Diagnosis of Analog Integrated Circuits” Book Review: The book provides an exploration of testing and fault diagnosis in analog circuits, including the analog components of mixed-signal circuits. Readers will learn how to test analog circuits constructed using either MOS or bipolar technology. The book contains numerous examples and exercises to facilitate practice.
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6."Analog Integrated Circuits" by Greeneich Greenwich
“Analog Integrated Circuits” Book Review: The design and analysis of modern analog circuits are explained in this book using field-effect transistors and integrated bipolar technologies. The book provides coverage of operational amplifiers, such as current-feedback amplifiers, transconductance amplifiers, voltage-feedback amplifiers, and current-differencing amplifiers. It also includes a chapter dedicated to analyzing current sources, single-transistor gain stages, two-transistor gain stages, dc level-shift stages, and output stages. This book is suitable for advanced graduate students and practitioners.
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7."Esd: Analog Circuits and Design" by Voldman Dr Steven H Voldman
“ESD: Analog Circuits and Design” Book Review: This book provides a detailed and all-inclusive guide to analog circuit design layout, chip architecture, ESD design, and analog circuit schematic development. It also covers a broad range of technologies, including LDMOS, SOI, thick body SOI, CMOS, and BCD. The text features an integrated approach to ESD protection schemes for power integrated circuits and analog circuit design techniques. The inclusion of multiple examples based on real-life applications makes it a perfect choice for graduate students, as well as device and circuit designers.
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8."Distortion Analysis of Analog Integrated Circuits " by Willy M C Sansen Piet Wambacq Sansen Wambacq
“Distortion Analysis of Analog Integrated Circuits” Book Review: This book discusses the analysis of distortion in electronic circuits within the domain of analog circuit design, with a focus on computer-aided design. The text uses the symbolic analysis program ISAAC to illustrate numerous examples. It is tailored for advanced students and researchers in the field.
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9."Methodology for the Digital Calibration of Analog Circuits and Systems: With Case Studies" by Marc Pastre Maher Kayal
“Methodology for the Digital Calibration of Analog Circuits and Systems: with Case Studies” Book Review: The book demonstrates the methodology of implementing high-precision systems with low-performance components and relaxing extreme design constraints in analog circuits. It covers three major applications, including SOI 1T DRAM, M/2+M sub-binary digital-to-analog converter, and calibration techniques using Hall magnetic field sensors for current measurement microsystems. It is designed for both students and professionals in the field.
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10."Variation-Aware Analog Structural Synthesis" by Gielen Steyaert Gao Palmers McConaghy
“Variation-Aware Analog Structural Synthesis” Book Review: The focus of this book is to introduce novel computational intelligence-based methods that can be used for designing powerful analog circuits. The book describes four different design tasks which include topology selection, topology design, novel topology design, and topology decision trees. In addition, the book covers non-linear sensitivity analysis, analytical trade-offs, and global robust sizing using two design-aid tools – SANGRIA and CAFFEINE. This book is intended for analog circuit designers and practitioners seeking new insights into the design process.
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11."A Text Book on Analog Circuits" by Rajkumar
“A Text book on Analog Circuits” Book Review: This book covers all the fundamental aspects of analog circuits, making it a valuable resource for students in electronics and communication engineering or electrical engineering branches. The book includes previous years’ questions with their solutions, which can aid students in preparing for competitive exams such as IES, GATE, or IAS.
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12."Remote Powering and Data Communication for Implanted Biomedical Systems (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)" by Enver Gurhan Kilinc and Catherine Dehollain
“Remote Powering and Data Communication for Implanted Biomedical Systems (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)” Book Review: The book presents cutting-edge circuits and systems designed for implantable biomedical applications, including a batteryless and remotely-powered micro-system that enables long-term patient monitoring. It covers new architecture and design methodologies for power transfer via a low-power, optimized inductive link, as well as reliable communication link for data transmission. This information is beneficial for researchers, practitioners, and engineers in the field of biomedical engineering.
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2. Analog Electronic Circuits
“DESIGN OF ANALOG CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS” Book Review: This book provides an in-depth coverage of analysis and design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, including recent technological developments and design paradigms, which is beneficial for both students and practicing engineers to enhance their skills. Real-world problems are used to illustrate the significance and application of each concept, making it engaging for the students. The focus is on intuitive understanding of the concepts rather than just theoretical knowledge. The book also includes rigorous analysis that confirms the results through a rough approach.
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2."Analog Electronic Circuit" by B Saha
“Analog Electronic Circuit” Book Review: This is a useful reference book for undergraduate students and practicing engineers in the field of electronics. The book covers various topics such as diodes, BJTs, FETs, and op-amps. It also includes circuits using these devices, such as rectifiers, clippers, amplifiers, and oscillators. The author has provided a clear explanation of the theory with plenty of solved examples and exercises, making it easy for readers to understand and apply the concepts. The book is a must-have for anyone interested in analog electronic circuits.
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3."Analog Electronic Circuits" by J B Gupta
“Analog Electronic Circuits” Book Review: The contents of this book include single and multistage amplifiers, as well as feedback amplifiers. Sinusoidal oscillators are covered in the second section, while power and operational amplifiers are discussed in the third section. The fourth and final section of the book covers linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifiers, as well as IC waveform generators and digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters. Additionally, appendices, model test papers, and previous year examination papers are included to aid students in their learning. This book is suitable for students studying electronics and communication engineering, as well as those pursuing a degree in physics or electronics.
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4."Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits" by Sergio Franco
“Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits” Book Review: This book serves as a guide for both students in design-oriented courses in operational amplifiers and analog, as well as practicing engineers. It features enhanced pedagogy and covers a wide range of topics, including folded-cascode amplifiers, low-voltage amplifiers, current-feedback amplifiers, switching regulators, and phase-locked loops. The focus is on providing physical pictures to help students develop practical insight, and the book contains 175 worked examples and 550 chapter problems to promote sound engineering judgement. The inclusion of topics such as analysis of practical circuits and presented applications makes it a valuable reference for engineers, while the use of PSpice reflects current industrial practices.
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5."Analog Electronics Circuits" by S N Ali
“Analog Electronics Circuits” Book Review: This book provides coverage of digital circuits and is particularly useful for undergraduate students pursuing degrees in electrical and electronics engineering and communication engineering. It is also beneficial for students studying instrumentation, telecommunications, medical, computer science, and IT, as well as those pursuing MCA and MSc in electronics. Graduates of IETE and AMIE programs can also benefit from the content of this book as a reference.
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6."Analog Integrated Circuit Design" by Chan Carusone, David Johns, Kenneth Martin | |
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7."Quick Learn Series Electronics Devices and Analog Circuits" by GKP
“Quick Learn Series Electronics Devices and Analog Circuits” Book Review: This book is a comprehensive guide for students and professionals to learn about electronic devices and analog circuits. The book includes detailed explanations of topics such as diodes, bipolar junction transistors, field-effect transistors, operational amplifiers, and feedback amplifiers. It also covers the applications of these devices in various circuits such as power supplies, amplifiers, oscillators, and filters. The book is written in a simple and easy-to-understand language, making it an ideal reference for anyone interested in the field of electronics.
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8."Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits" by Gray
“Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits” Book Review: The book covers the fundamentals of CMOS, bipolar technologies, and biCMOS integrated circuits, and is useful for engineers. It explains both digital and analog circuit designs, and includes an example of an operational amplifier. The book serves as a helpful reference for engineers, as it covers essential concepts in the field.
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9."Analog Electronic Circuits: A Simplified Approch" by Dr U B Mahadevaswamy
“Analog Electronic Circuits: A Simplified Approach” Book Review: This book covers diode circuits, transistor types and their designs, as well as FLET amplifier configurations. The book also emphasizes the design of topologies and oscillators, and focuses on developing both mathematical results and intuitive understanding of concepts. Each chapter provides problem-solving techniques to analyze digital circuits. With 270 worked examples and problems of varying difficulty levels, various exercise problems are provided at the end of each chapter for self-testing and practice. It serves as an excellent guide for design engineers, covering everything from simple approaches to challenging theoretical concepts.
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10."Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits" by Agarwal
“Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits” Book Review: The content of this book combines circuits and electronics, providing an introduction to engineering coursework. Abstraction is used as a key concept to bridge the gap between physics and computer systems. The book explores how engineers and computer scientists create abstractions to manage electrical systems, balancing circuit theory and digital electronic applications. Real-life device illustrations are included, and the book references the MIT OpenCourseWare for professionals seeking additional resources. MOS technology is also emphasized.
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11."Computer Aided Analysis of Electronic Circuits" by L O Chua and P M Lin | |
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3. Advance Analogue Design
1."Design of Analogue CMOS Integrated Circuits" by Behzad Razavi
“Design of Analogue CMOS Integrated Circuits” by Behzad Razavi Book Review: This book on integrated circuits for optical communications that comprehensively covers High-Speed IOs, PLLs, CDRs, and handset design involving optical communication. The increasing demand for high-speed data transfer has revitalized optical communications, leading to extensive work on high-speed device and circuit design. The second edition of Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications addresses the design of high-speed integrated circuits for optical communication handsets. The book covers the research and design of fundamental building blocks such as transimpedance and limiting amplifiers, laser drivers, phase-locked loops, oscillators, clock and data recovery circuits, and multiplexers, building upon a detailed understanding of optical devices. This updated edition includes a tutorial treatment of broadband circuits, new and unique information on clock and data recovery circuits and multiplexers, a chapter dedicated to burst mode optical communications, a detailed analysis of new circuit developments for optical handsets, and an assessment of recent implementations in CMOS technology. This book is suitable for senior graduate students and engineers involved in high-speed circuit design for optical communications, as well as the broader field of wireline communications.
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2."Evaluating Feedback in Amplifiers and Oscillators: Theory, Design and Analogue Applications" by Peter Farrell and D MacLean | |
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3."Design, Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of Curcumin Analogues" by Ahsan Mohamed Jawed and Sharma Sachin Kumar
“Design, Synthesis and Anti-HIV Activity of Curcumin Analogues” by Ahsan Mohamed Jawed and Sharma Sachin Kumar Book Review: The book describes the design, synthesis, and anti-HIV activity of 11 curcumin analogs through molecular properties prediction, drug similarity analysis, and lipophilicity and solubility determination using Molinspiration, MolSoft, and ALOGPS 2.1 software. The analogs that followed the Lipinski “Rule of five” were screened for anti-HIV activity as oral bioavailable drugs/leads. The spectral analysis confirmed the design of the compounds, and the compounds were evaluated for anti-HIV activity according to the standard protocol. Compound 3b was found to have anti-HIV activity with an IC50 >3.71 µM and CC50 3.71, but its activity was less than the standard drug zidovudine.
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4."Applications and Design with Analogue Integrated Circuits" by J Michael Jacob
“Applications and Design with Analogue Integrated Circuits” by J Michael Jacob Book Review: The book provides an extensive coverage of analog integrated circuits, both linear and nonlinear, across various domains. Its distinctive feature is the lucid explanation without excessive reliance on advanced mathematics. The book includes numerous illustrations and practical examples that cater to its readers. The second edition retains its in-text learning support. Table of contents: Preface. Introduction to Operational Amplifier Integrated Circuit. Amplifiers and Feedback. Power Supplies and Integrated Circuit Regulators. Characteristics of Operational Amplifiers. Amplifiers with Single Supply. Waveform Generators. Active Filters. Nonlinear Circuits. Index. | |
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5."Very Large Scale Integration Design Techniques for Analogue and Digital Circuits" by Randall L Geiger and P E Allen | |
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6."Design and Applications of Analog Integrated Circuits" by Soclof | |
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7."Analogue Filter Design (H R W Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)" by M E Van Valkenburg
“Analogue Filter Design (H R W Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)” by M E Van Valkenburg Book Review: The purpose of this undergraduate textbook on analog filters for electrical engineering was to fill a gap in the market. It is aimed at juniors and seniors who have a background in introductory circuits and Laplace transforms. The book focuses on inductorless filters where the operational amplifier is the active element, with passive LCR filters only used as examples. Students learn about the importance of operational amplifiers in analog systems, which Van Valkenburg compares to the importance of chips in digital systems. The book avoids advanced mathematics wherever possible for mathematical derivations, and design topics require only a handheld calculator.
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8."Theory and Design of Analogue and Numerical Elementary Ngd Circuits" by Blaise Ravelo
“Theory and Design of Analogue and Numerical Elementary Ngd Circuits” by Blaise Ravelo Book Review: This book introduces a novel theory of dynamic circuit topologies that feature the negative group delay (NGD) function in RF/electronic engineering. The book establishes the fundamental properties of this unusual function and draws a comparison between NGD behavior and channel acquisition. Furthermore, the book identifies several elementary cells that function as low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and stop-band circuits. The theory is backed by simulation and experimental results that are in excellent agreement. The book describes the design methods of NGD low-pass and band-pass proof-of-concept circuits that operate with super-wideband RF signals. The NGD circuits facilitate the propagation of narrow-bandwidth signals with negative time delay, leading to applications for pure delay cancellation. The theory is demonstrated theoretically, through simulation, and in practice. The book presents the possibility of using NGD multiband devices and advanced finite impulse response/infinite impulse response circuits. Novel topologies of distributed circuits that are potentially integrable and capable of operating up to tens of GHz are examined.
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9."Protoarchitecture: Analogue and Digital Hybrids (Architectural Design)" by Bob Sheil
“Protoarchitecture: Analogue and Digital Hybrids (Architectural Design)” by Bob Sheil Book Review: This is a thought-provoking book that explores the intersection between digital and analogue design techniques in architecture. The book includes contributions from leading professionals in the field such as Lebbeus Woods, Evan Douglis, Theo Jansen, and Shin Egashira. It covers various topics such as the relationship between the physical and the digital, the integration of analogue and digital technologies, and the role of design information in creating architectural works. The book is an essential read for anyone interested in the future of architecture and design.
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10."Handbook of Analog Circuit Design" by Dennis L Feucht
“Handbook of Analog Circuit Design” Book Review: The monograph investigates instrumentation and control circuits that are vital for circuit designs, examining the association of devices as structural (what it is), causal (what it does), and functional (what it is really striving for). The book explains circuit analyses and the concept of design, before delving into some basic amplified circuits and commonly used methods in analyzing them using tests of amplification, input resistance, and output resistance. The text also expounds on the feedback circuits, such as mathematical recursion or iterative loops in computer programming programs. The book further elaborates on high-performance amplification in analog-to-digital converters or vice versa, as well as the use of composite topologies to improve performance. Various other signal processing functions are considered part of analog circuit design. This monograph is beneficial to radio technicians, circuit designers, instrumentation specialists, and electronics students.
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4. Analog IC Design
1."Analog Ic Design - an Intuitive Approach: Volume 2" by Rincon
“Analog Ic Design – an Intuitive Approach: Volume 2” Book Review: The main objective of this book is to provide a comprehensive guide for designing analog integrated circuits using bipolar and MOS technologies, by utilizing and developing semiconductor devices. The book focuses on the fundamental understanding and critical thinking on how these devices operate in microelectronic circuits. It covers physical views of solid-state circuits and mathematical and algebraic formulations, enabling readers to develop innovative ICs.
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2."Generating Analog IC Layouts with LAYGEN II (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)" by Ricardo M F Martins and Nuno C C Lourenço
“Generating Analog IC Layouts with LAYGEN II (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)” Book Review: The content of this book outlines the process of generating analog integrated circuits automatically, including template descriptions and techniques using evolutionary computation. Laygen 2, which is a design automation tool, is also discussed with an emphasis on reusing expert design knowledge and retargeting operations.
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3."Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators, Second Edition (Electronics)" by Gabriel A Rincon-Mora
“Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators, Second Edition (Electronics)” Book Review: This book comprehensively covers the design of linear low dropout regulator ICs using bipolar, CMOS, and biCMOS semiconductor process technologies. It also includes information on embedded LDo design. The book focuses on the use of these circuits in portable, battery-powered devices and provides a detailed explanation of the design process from objectives and components to blueprinting, assembly, and performance tuning. The book includes information on building prototypes, testing, and system-on-chip functionality. The book covers a range of circuit types, including those based on BJT, MOSFET, and JFET. The content includes current mirrors, buffers, amplifiers, and control limits, with a focus on noise-free and predictable output voltage, low input current, and wide voltage swings. The book also addresses accuracy, battery life, overcurrent protection, and thermal-shutdown features, as well as operation limits and characterization techniques.
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4."Electronic Design Automation of Analog ICs combining Gradient Models with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms" by Frederico A E Rocha and Ricardo M F Martins
“Electronic Design Automation of Analog ICs combining Gradient Models with Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms” Book Review: This book provides an overview of electronic design automation (EDA) and automatic sizing techniques for analog integrated circuits (ICs). It includes the latest advancements in layout and circuit-level optimization using GENOM POF. The book explains how to embed statistical knowledge and generate gradient models using multi-objective and multi-constraint optimization techniques based on the NSGA-II algorithm. The trade-offs between device sizes and layout solutions are also discussed in detail.
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5."Transistor Level Modeling for Analog/RF IC Design" by Wladyslaw Grabinski and Bart Nauwelaers
“Transistor Level Modeling for Analog/RF IC Design” Book Review: This book serves as a reference for MOS transistor modeling, providing valuable insights for researchers and users of MOSFET devices and models. It is a useful resource for anyone engaged in compact model developments, numerical TCAD modeling, parameter extraction, and system-level simulation. In addition, PhD students can benefit from the detailed information on MOSFETs presented in this book, while modeling designers working in the analog and high-frequency domains can also find it beneficial.
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6."Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated circuits" by Paul R Gray and R G Meyer
Book Review: The latest advancements in the field of Integrated circuits are covered in this book, which includes various topics such as MOS transistors and bipolar physics, operational amplifier design and usage, and fabrication of integrated circuits, among others. The book offers comprehensive coverage of CMOS circuit design, as well as bipolar analog integrated circuit design, with various examples of cascaded operational amplifiers. The book provides up-to-date coverage of the latest developments in the analysis and design of Analog Integrated circuits.
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5. CMOS Analog IC Design
1."Analog IC Reliability in Nanometer CMOS (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)" by Elie Maricau and Georges Gielen
Analog IC Reliability in Nanometer CMOS Book Review: This book focuses on presenting, simulating, and analyzing the aging of analog circuits. Firstly, it examines the significant nanometer CMOS physical effects that lead to circuit instability. Then, it discusses semiconductor aging compact models for circuit simulation and explains several methods for efficient circuit reliability simulation and comparison. Finally, it studies the impact of semiconductor aging on analog circuits. Aging-resistant and aging-tolerant circuits are identified, and the impact of technology scaling is discussed. The book’s models and simulation methods are intended as a guide for device engineers, circuit designers, and the EDA community to understand and mitigate the effects of aging on nanometer CMOS ICs. It allows readers to understand the long-term reliability of an integrated circuit; reviews CMOS instability effects, with a focus on those that will arise in future CMOS nodes; provides an overview of models for key aging effects, as well as compact models that can be included in a circuit simulator, with model parameters for advanced CMOS technology; describes existing reliability simulators, along with techniques to analyze the impact of process variations and aging on an arbitrary analog circuit.
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2."MOSFET Technologies for Double-Pole Four-Throw Radio-Frequency Switch (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)" by Viranjay M Srivastava and Ghanshyam Singh
MOSFET Technologies for Double-Pole Four-Throw Radio-Frequency Switch: 122 (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)Book Review: This book presents an analysis and discussion of the design of various MOSFET technologies used for Double-Pole Four-Throw (DP4T) RF switches in advanced communication systems. The authors explore the use of Double-Gate (DG) MOSFET and Cylindrical Surrounding double-gate (CSDG) MOSFET for the design of DP4T RF switches, and investigate the impact of high dielectric material HFO2 in the design. The book covers single-gate MOSFET and double-gate MOSFET switching parameters, as well as testing of MOSFET parameters using image acquisition. It serves as a comprehensive reference for the latest advancements in the design of double-gate MOSFET, cylindrical surrounding double-gate MOSFET, and HFO2-based MOSFET, explains the design of RF switches using these technologies, and includes simulations to verify parameters and discuss the feasibility of devices and switches.
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3."VLSI Analog Circuits: Algorithms, Architecture, Modeling, and Circuit Implementation" by Hongjiang Song
“VLSI Analog Circuits: Algorithms, Architecture, Modeling, and Circuit Implementation” by Hongjiang Song Book Review: This textbook offers coverage of VLSI and serves as a valuable resource for advanced electrical engineering courses. It provides a step-by-step approach to analyzing and solving practical design problems using VLSI technology. The book includes up-to-date discussions on VLSI passive, active RC, MOS-C, Gm-C, CTI, SC and SI analog filter circuits. It covers mixed-mode solutions, VLSI RF signal processing, and circuit tuning techniques in great detail.
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4."Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators" by Gabriel A Rincon-Mora
Analog IC Design with Low-Dropout Regulators (LDOs) (Electronic Engineering) Book Review: This book, written by an experienced IC engineer, professor, and researcher, is a comprehensive guide on designing Low Drop-out Regulators (LDOs). Comprising of eight independent chapters, it covers a wide range of topics, including voltage regulation systems, microelectronic components, simulation circuits, negative feedback theory, circuit design, safety circuit design, and more. With a direct and practical approach, the book emphasizes the goals of integrated systems, the integrated circuit development process, and circuit reliability. Each chapter can be read independently to better suit the needs of the reader.
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5."Analog IC Design Techniques for Nanopower Biomedical Signal Processing (River Publishers Series in Biomedical Engineering)" by Chutham Sawigun and Wouter A Serdijn
Analog IC Design Techniques for Nanopower Biomedical Signal Processing (River Publishers Series in Biomedical Engineering) Book Review: This book focuses on integrated circuit design techniques using MOSFETs operating in the subthreshold regime to meet the requirements for low power consumption and small physical dimensions in medical devices. The book covers circuit methods that use CMOS devices biased in subthreshold and presents the development of a class-AB current-mode sample and hold circuit. It also covers the design techniques for single-branch channels, follower integrator-based lowpass channels, and specific transconductance reduction methods for very low-frequency channels. Additionally, a nanopower class-AB current-mode analog multiplier is designed to handle input current amplitudes of more than 100 times the bias current. The designed circuits are fabricated in a standard 0.18 µ CMOS process, and their experimental results are reported. | |
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6."Cmos Circuit Design: Analog, Digital, Ic Layout: Volume 4 (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Design)" by Pappas and Nicholas
This Electrical Engineering textbook is designed for college-level students who want to learn how to design products using CMOS circuits. The book is written in a clear and accessible manner, making it suitable for those who are new to CMOS circuit design, as well as those who want to improve their skills in making Integrated Circuit Chip Layouts. The text offers a comprehensive foundation for learning how to design and layout CMOS circuits. Unlike other CMOS design textbooks, this book not only teaches readers how to design CMOS circuits by selecting semiconductor length, width, and mobility values but also provides guidance on creating precise, functioning circuit layouts that can be applied in a chip. Furthermore, readers are encouraged to practice by drawing over 60 formats to gain real-world experience.
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7."Analog Design Essentials (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)" by Willy M Sansen
Analog Design Essentials: 859 (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science) Book Review: This exceptional book covers all the essential topics that are crucial for an analog engineer to gain sufficient knowledge to perform a thorough job. Starting with the basic stages of building operational amplifiers, the book provides detailed coverage of opamp synthesis, with numerous examples operating at low supply voltages. Following this, there are chapters on noise, distortion, filters, ADC/DACs, and oscillators, all of which are based on the extensive teaching experience of the author worldwide.
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8."Wideband Continuous-time ΣΔ ADCs, Automotive Electronics, and Power Management: Advances in Analog Circuit Design 2016" by Andrea Baschirotto and Pieter Harpe
Wideband Continuous-time ΣΔ ADCs, Automotive Electronics, and Power Management: Advances in Analog Circuit Design 2016 Book Review: The content of this book is derived from the 18 tutorials that were delivered during the 25th Advances in Analog Circuit Design workshop. Esteemed authors provide readers with valuable information on various topics at the forefront of analog circuit design, including low-power and energy-efficient analog electronics. Specific contributions concentrate on the design of continuous time sigma-delta modulators, automotive electronics, and power management. This book serves as an essential reference for anyone involved in the research and development of analog circuits.
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9."Advances in Analog and RF IC Design for Wireless Communication Systems: Chapter 2. CMOS Transceivers for Modern Cellular Terminals" by Hooman Darabi
Advances in Analog and RF IC Design for Wireless Communication Systems: Chapter 2. Book Review: This book chapter provides an in-depth analysis of modern RF transceivers used in wireless and mobile applications. It starts with an overview of RF cell standards and discusses various radio models. The key requirements for the radio are specified, and the corresponding circuit specifications are provided, offering a top-down approach to radio design. The chapter also addresses several radio imperfections due to RF CMOS limitations and introduces various design and calibration techniques to overcome them. Advanced topics such as handset calibration, the transition to broadband, RF diversity, and next-generation mobile standards and their requirements are also covered.
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10."IC Design of CMOS UHF RFID Analog Front End: Circuit design techniques of CMOS UHF RFID AFE using Dynamic Threshold MOSFET" by Ying-Khai Teh
“IC Design of CMOS UHF RFID Analog Front End: Circuit design techniques of CMOS UHF RFID AFE using Dynamic Threshold MOSFET” Book Review: The book discussed in this passage covers the topics of ultra high frequency (UHF) and radio frequency identification (RFID) and their applications. It includes discussions on schottky barrier diodes, circuit solutions, UHF RFID chips with similar performance, and typical CMOS processes. The book also delves into RFID analogue, which comprises of four components: the UHF RF to DC rectifier, voltage reference, regulator, modulator and demodulator. It further discusses the use of dynamic threshold MOSFET as a device for ultra low power applications, and explores various circuit designs and analyses based on a CMOS 0.18µm single polysilicon, six metal layers and triple technology. The book covers important considerations such as power consumption, performance gain, area penalty, and design aspects associated with DTMOST techniques.
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11."CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation" by R Jacob Baker and H.W.Li
“CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation” Book Review: This book covers the practical design of analog and digital integrated circuits, including the underlying principles of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) IC design and its applications in real-world scenarios. It uses examples related to design, layout, and simulation to illustrate the concepts. The book goes into great detail on phase-locked-loops, data converter design, delta-sigma sensing circuits, op-amps, and voltage/current references. It provides numerous derivations and proofs to enhance comprehension of the core concepts.
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12."CMOS Front Ends for Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication Systems (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)" by Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert
“CMOS Front Ends for Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication Systems (Analog Circuits and Signal Processing)” Book Review: This book focuses on the development of circuit and system design techniques for millimeter wave wireless communication systems operating above 90GHz and fabricated using nanometer-scale CMOS technologies. The authors present a hands-on approach that was employed to design six different chips, overcoming various design challenges. The behavior of both active and passive components, and how to design them for achieving high performance is discussed in detail. This book is a valuable reference for millimeter wave designers, working at both the semiconductor and system level. It examines the advantages and disadvantages of designing wireless mm-wave communication circuits and systems in CMOS, evaluates the limitations and pitfalls of building mm-wave circuits in CMOS, includes mm-wave building block and system design techniques and applies these to 6 different CMOS chips, and provides guidelines for building measurement solutions to evaluate high-frequency chips.
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