6 Best Books on Expert Systems

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Expert Systems, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Expert Systems Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Expert Systems below.

1."Expert Systems in Structural Safety Assessment" by Alfredo C Lucia and Aleksandar S Jovanovic
“Expert Systems in Structural Safety Assessment” Book Review: This book is designed for undergraduate students of structural engineering and can serve as a valuable reference for working professionals. It explores the topic of structural safety in industrial systems, covering the continuous development of assessment techniques and methods. The book provides a comprehensive overview of expert system applications and delves into the concepts of integrity assessment and structural safety. With the inclusion of scientific diagrams and real-life case studies, this book offers a simplified understanding of the subject matter.

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2."Expert Systems: Applications for Structural, Transportation, and Environmental Engineering" by M Arockiasamy
“Expert Systems: Applications for Structural, Transportation, and Environmental Engineering” Book Review: This book is designed for undergraduate students of structural engineering and serves as a valuable reference for working professionals. It explores the practical applications of expert systems in addressing complex problems that require human attention. The book covers various topics such as 3-D grids, bridge design systems, and low-rise industrial buildings. It also delves into the concepts of preliminary design of frameworks and wall design retention techniques. Detailed discussions on design standards and the utilization of expert systems in construction engineering are included. With the aid of scientific diagrams and real-life case studies, this book presents the concepts in an accessible manner.

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3."Expert System for Structural Design" by Hojjat Adeli and K V Balasubramanyam
“Expert System for Structural Design” Book Review: This book is aimed at undergraduate students of structural engineering and serves as a valuable reference for working professionals. It covers topics such as thick plate elements and artificial intelligence. The book discusses the finite element method, including the non-convergence problem of non-conforming elements. It also addresses issues like accuracy loss and sensitivity problems. Stress, singular point problems, and displacement-based elements are examined as well. The book includes scientific diagrams and real-life case studies to facilitate understanding.

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4."Automating Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)" by Sandra Marcus
“Automating Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)” Book Review: This book is specifically designed for undergraduate students of structural engineering and can also serve as a valuable reference for working professionals. It delves into the topic of automating knowledge acquisition for expert systems. Additionally, it explores the principles of code development for XCON, a production-level expert system. The book covers fundamental concepts related to expert systems and also introduces RIME, a programming methodology. It includes numerous scientific diagrams and incorporates real-life case studies to enhance comprehension of the discussed concepts.

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5."Advances in Smart Technologies in Structural Engineering (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences)" by Jan Holnicki-Szulc and C A Mota Soares
“Advances in Smart Technologies in Structural Engineering (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences)” Book Review: This book serves as a comprehensive textbook for students in the disciplines of Electrical, Civil, and Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering. It covers a wide range of topics including Wireless Links in Smart Structures, Semi-Active Friction Damping of Flexible Lightweight Structures, Design of Adaptive Structures under Random Impact Conditions, Damage Detection of Structures Using Spectral Element Method, Spatial Filtering with Discrete Array Sensors and Distributed PVDF Films, Structural Health Monitoring, Controllability and Asymptotic Problems in Distributed Systems, and Mechatronics in Vibration Monitoring and Control. It offers valuable insights and knowledge in these areas to enhance understanding and proficiency in the field.

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6."Advances in Structural Engineering: Materials" by Vasant Matsagar
“Advances in Structural Engineering: Materials” Book Review: This book consists of three volumes comprising a collection of research papers covering various multidisciplinary areas. It encompasses topics such as earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, structural mechanics, finite element methods, structural vibration control, advanced cementitious and composite materials, bridge engineering, and soil-structure interaction. With its diverse range of subjects, the book proves to be beneficial for undergraduate and postgraduate students, academicians, researchers, and practicing engineers.

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We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on Expert Systems and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on Expert Systems and will publish the download link here. Fill out this Expert Systems books pdf download" request form for download notification.

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