9 Best Books on Solar Cells

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Solar Cells, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Solar Cells Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Solar Cells below.

1."Silicon Solar Cells: Advanced Principles and Practice" by M Green
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2."The Physics of Solar Cells" by J Nelson
“The Physics of Solar Cells” Book Review: This book covers the physics and technical components of solar cells, as well as the scientific foundations of their applications. It begins with fundamental concepts and subsequently delves into more advanced topics. The book comprehensively covers a range of subjects, including the basic principles of photovoltaics, the behavior of electrons and holes in semiconductors, generation and recombination processes, analysis of the p-n junction, microcrystalline and thin-film solar cells, and management of light. Additionally, the book includes a set of common exercises located at the end of the book, which test comprehension of various concepts presented throughout its chapters, accompanied by their solutions.

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3."Thin-film Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells: Physics and Technology" by R Brendel
“Thin-film Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells: Physics and Technology” Book Review: This textbook is focused on the science and technology of thin film crystalline silicon solar cells. The first section provides an overview of different types of crystalline solar cells and the issues associated with them. It then delves into detailed discussions on the limitations imposed by photogeneration, radiative recombination, and non-radiative recombination. The book also covers advanced concepts, including quantum efficiency analysis, technological approaches to thin film cells, and waffle cells from the porous Si process. In the concluding section, the various concepts learned throughout the book are summarized, and conclusions are drawn to evaluate the significance, limitations, and applications of thin film solar cells.

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4."Solar Cells: Operating Principles, Technology and System Applications" by Martin A Green
“Solar Cells: Operating Principles, Technology and System Applications” Book Review: The book primarily delves into Solar cell theory, covering a wide range of topics such as materials, fabrication, design, modules, and systems. The focus is primarily on single junction silicon devices, but there is also discussion on some of the III-V semiconductors. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the physics involved in solar cells and semiconductor properties, as well as the generation and recombination processes. Additionally, the book provides insightful discussions on Si solar cell technology and its applications, particularly in the production of solar-quality crystals and wafers. Other key topics covered in the book include design, improvements, and device structures, alternate semiconductor materials and their use in concentrating systems, storage, and the design and construction of both standalone and centralized systems for residential and power generation. Lastly, the book highlights that having a good background in calculus would be beneficial for solving problems and understanding examples.

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5."Transfer of the Metal Wrap Through Solar Cell Concept" by Elmar Lohmuller
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6."Physics of Solar Cells: From Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts (Physics Textbook)" by Peter Würfel
“Physics of Solar Cells: From Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts (Physics Textbook)” Book Review: The book offers a comprehensive overview of solar cell operations, providing readers with a foundational understanding. It delves into the basic principles, present-day technology, and potential future advancements in the field. The book covers various topics such as Energy Economy challenges, Photons, Semiconductors, Thermal Radiation Conversion into Chemical Energy, Solar Cell’s Basic Structure, and Efficiency Improvement Concepts. Additionally, it includes problem sets, solutions, references for further reading, and numerous illustrations and examples.

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7."Materials Concepts for Solar Cells (Energy Futures)" by Dittrich
“Materials Concepts for Solar Cells (Energy Futures)” Book Review: The book offers a comprehensive overview of materials concepts relevant to solar cells, covering both the physics underlying solar cells and advanced concepts pertaining to photovoltaic solar energy conversion. Its content is divided into two main parts. The first part explores the general principles of solar cells and their materials requirements, while the second part delves into the four classes of materials concepts for solar cells, namely: silicon-based crystals, III-V semiconductors with epitaxial layer systems, thin-film absorbers on foreign substrates, and nano-composite absorbers. The book presents a thorough treatment of all key concepts and derivations, making it an invaluable resource for students of engineering, materials science, chemistry, and physics.

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8."Advanced Nanostructured Concepts in Solar Cells Using III-V and Silicon-Based Materials" by Som Nath Dahal
“Advanced Nanostructured Concepts in Solar Cells Using III-V and Silicon-Based Materials” Book Review: The book delves into the latest advancements in solar cell technologies aimed at boosting current efficiency levels. It explores cutting-edge concepts in advanced nanostructure domains that incorporate existing materials like III-V alloys, silicon, and silicon/germanium alloys. In addition, the book delves into fundamental aspects of incorporating these materials into advanced concept nanostructured solar cells. It covers crucial topics like the determination and prediction of optimum electronic band structures, including the impact of factors such as strain on the band structure and opto-electronic properties of the materials. The book also covers various other advanced concepts, such as solar cells that utilize QD nanostructures as an absorbing medium, band structure calculations, and the prediction of optimal material combinations.

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9."High-Efficiency Solar Cells: Physics, Materials, and Devices (Springer Series in Materials Science)" by Xiaodong Wang and Zhiming M Wang
“High-Efficiency Solar Cells: Physics, Materials, and Devices (Springer Series in Materials Science)” Book Review: The book discusses the efficacy of solar cells and delves into three primary areas. The first focuses on strategies for reducing the cost of solar cell technology, while the second examines the use of advanced technologies and novel architectural designs. The third area centers on the development of new materials for light absorption. Topics covered include an introduction to the field of solar cells, high-efficiency solar cell architectures, and innovative materials and technologies for solar energy applications. The book incorporates numerous research papers and studies and is an invaluable resource for electrical engineering students.

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We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on Solar Cells and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on Solar Cells and will publish the download link here. Fill out this Solar Cells books pdf download" request form for download notification.

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