1. Advance Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
1."Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading (Advanced Structured Materials)" by Holm Altenbach and Michael Brünig
“Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading (Advanced Structured Materials)” Book Review: The primary focus of this book is on the behavior of materials and structures under cyclic and monotonic loads, including new phenomena such as non-trivial damage or purely thermal cycles. It covers various topics such as modeling of concrete behavior, modeling of RC structures, finite element approach, macro-element approach, experimental studies, analysis, and design issues. The book provides a comprehensive coverage of different models based on various approaches and scaling aspects, including mechanism-based approaches. Its main emphasis is on the inelastic behavior of materials, and each chapter includes experiments and exercises for the readers to practice.
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2."Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical Systems" by Giorgio Diana and Federico Cheli
“Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical Systems” Book Review: This book is primarily intended for students studying mechanical systems, aerospace, automation, and energy-related fields, but it may also be useful for professionals in these areas. It is divided into two parts: the first part covers mechanical systems with one or more degrees of freedom, while the second part covers mechanical systems subjected to force fields, rotor dynamics, techniques for experimental parameter identification, and random excitations. The book provides not only theoretical knowledge but also numerical and solved examples at the end of each chapter, making it a valuable resource for students.
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3."Shell and Membrane Theories in Mechanics and Biology (Advanced Structured Materials)" by Holm Altenbach and Gennadi I Mikhasev
“Shell and Membrane Theories in Mechanics and Biology (Advanced Structured Materials)” Book Review: This book is suitable for students of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and materials engineering, as well as those in the fields of physics and biology. It covers various topics such as 3D boundary-value problems of statics and dynamics of plates and shells, chaotic vibrations of conical and spherical shells, nonclassical shell theories in ocular biomechanics, and linear oscillations of suspended graphene. The focus is on characterizing and designing shells, plates, membranes, and other thin-walled structures from macro-to-nanoscale, with a multidisciplinary approach. The book provides theoretical foundations of the discussed theories and discusses material behavior used in structures.
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4."Micro-scaled Products Development via Microforming: Deformation Behaviours, Processes, Tooling and its Realization (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)" by Ming Wang Fu and Wai Lun Chan
“Micro-scaled Products Development via Microforming: Deformation Behaviours, Processes, Tooling and its Realization (Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing)” Book Review: This book is intended for students of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, and materials engineering, as well as those with an interest in physics and biology. It covers various topics, such as 3D boundary-value problems that pertain to the statics and dynamics of plates and shells, controlling chaotic vibrations of conical and spherical shells, nonclassical shell theories applied in ocular biomechanics, and linear oscillations of suspended graphene. The book’s primary focus is on characterizing and designing shells, plates, membranes, and other thin-walled structures, utilizing a multidisciplinary approach that covers a wide range of scales, from macro-to-nanoscale. It establishes theoretical foundations for the discussed theories and delves into the materials behavior used in structures.
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5."Drying and Energy Technologies (Advanced Structured Materials)" by João M P Q Delgado and Antonio Gilson Barbosa De Lima
“Drying and Energy Technologies (Advanced Structured Materials)” Book Review: The intended audience for this book comprises engineers, energy specialists, scientists, researchers, graduate students, and leaders of industrial companies. The book discusses the significant theories and applications of drying, emerging topics in drying technology, innovations and trends in drying, thermo-hydro-chemical-mechanical behaviors of porous materials in drying, and drying equipment and energy. It is structured into multiple chapters, focusing on the engineering, science and technology applied in crucial industrial processes used for raw materials and products.
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6."Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis" by Igor A Karnovsky and Olga Lebed
“Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis” Book Review: This book is aimed at students of civil and structural engineering, as well as researchers and students who wish to enhance their understanding of structural analysis. It provides readers with information about structural analysis and explores various methods employed in this field by focusing on fundamental concepts, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The book provides an in-depth analysis of beams, trusses, frames, arches, and cables, as well as extensive applications of influence lines for structure analysis, simple and efficient procedures for calculating deflections, and an introduction to plastic analysis, stability, and free vibration analysis.
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7."Principles of Composite Material Mechanics, Third Edition (Mechanical Engineering)" by Ronald F Gibson
“Principles of Composite Material Mechanics, Third Edition (Mechanical Engineering)” Book Review: This book is intended for students of manufacturing engineering, as well as researchers and students interested in the field of composite materials. It covers a range of topics, including particle composites, nanocomposites, nano-enhanced conventional fiber composites, and hybrid multiscale composites. Additionally, the book delves into the latest composites technology and matrix concepts and operations. With numerous worked-out example problems, homework problems, figures, and references, this book offers many benefits for students.
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8."Mechanical and Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials: A SMD Symposium Honoring Professor K Linga Murty" by Indrajit Charit and Yuntian T Zhu
“Mechanical and Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials: A SMD Symposium Honoring Professor K Linga Murty” Book Review: This book is intended for students of manufacturing engineering and researchers interested in this field. The topics covered include high-temperature deformation behaviors of materials such as elevated temperature creep, tensile, fatigue, and superplasticity and their micro mechanistic interpretation. It also covers understanding the mechanical behavior of HCP metals/alloys using crystallographic texture, radiation effects on deformation and creep of materials, mechanical behavior of nanostructured materials, fracture and fracture mechanisms, development, and application of small-volume mechanical testing techniques, and general structure-property correlations.
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9."Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials for the 21st Century: A Collection of Papers from the 1999 TMS Annual Meeting" by R S Mishra and A K Mukherjee
“Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials for the 21st Century: A Collection of Papers from the 1999 TMS Annual Meeting” Book Review: This book is intended for students of manufacturing engineering and researchers interested in the field. It covers the behavior of advanced materials, such as ceramic and metal-matrix composites, laminated materials, nanostructured materials, advanced intermetallics, and advanced dispersion-strengthened materials, with a focus on their microstructures. The book’s main objective is to provide information on material behavior.
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10."Advanced Ceramics and Future Materials" by Volker A Weberruss and Fritz Aldinger
“Advanced Ceramics and Future Materials” Book Review: This book is aimed at students, scientists, and engineers with an interest in conventional and advanced ceramics. It covers the chemistry and physics of ceramic materials, as well as their behavior and properties, including microstructural aspects and bio-inspired approaches. The book covers various topics such as the definition of ceramics, the understanding of ceramics (including their chemical structures, crystal structures, and microstructures), the observation of ceramics, such as their chemical, physical, and mechanical properties, and the manufacturing of ceramics. Additionally, the book provides the basics of physics and chemistry in this field, and it also covers the concept of the “black box”.
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11."Mechanical Behavior of Materials" by T H Courtney
Book Review: This book is appropriate for graduate-level courses and provides a comprehensive overview of the principles related to the mechanical behavior of materials, including macroscopic property relationships, material microstructure, bonding and crystal structure properties, as well as ceramics, composites, and polymers. It contains numerous solved problems and real-life examples, as well as figures to aid in understanding the concepts related to mechanics and strength of materials.
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12."Low Cycle Fatigue and Elasto-Plastic Behaviour of Materials: Volume 2" by K T Rie | |
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2. Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Materials
“MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR AND TESTING OF MATERIALS” Book Review: This book offers a comprehensive guide to the mechanical behavior and testing of metals, polymers, and ceramics. It is organized into 13 chapters, covering topics such as the fundamentals and basic building blocks of materials, atomic bonding and crystal structure, and the role of imperfections in metals and alloys. The book also includes information on both destructive and nondestructive testing methods, as well as how to interpret test data. Appendices containing a practice manual, a question bank with answers, and an objective question bank of GATE questions are also provided. This book is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, as well as those pursuing Mechanical Engineering. It may also be helpful for practicing engineers.
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2."Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue" by Norman E Dowling
“Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Methods for Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue” Book Review: This book explores the mechanical behavior of materials with a focus on new technology, safety, and durability in design. It covers topics such as testing of materials, yield criteria, fracture mechanics, crack growth, stress-based and strain-based fatigue, and creep. Real-world applications are provided by analyzing machine parts, vehicles, and structures to determine the adequacy of their designs in terms of durability. The book is ideal for upper-level undergraduate engineering courses in Mechanical Behaviour of Materials.
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3."Ceramics: Mechanical Properties, Failure Behaviour, Materials Selection (Springer Series in Materials Science)" by Dietrich Munz and Theo Fett
“Ceramics: Mechanical Properties, Failure Behaviour, Materials Selection (Springer Series in Materials Science)” Book Review: This book is a valuable resource for mechanical engineering students as it covers the failure of ceramic materials resulting from mechanical loading, methods for determining their properties, and rules for material selection. It includes special chapters dedicated to creep behavior, multiaxial failure criteria, and thermal shock criteria. The book also explores fracture-mechanical and statistical principles, providing insight into their use for determining the strength and durability of ceramics.
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4."Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymer Materials (Springer Series in Materials Science)" by Wolfgang Grellmann and Beate Langer
“Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymer Materials (Springer Series in Materials Science)” Book Review: This book is a valuable resource for scientists and engineers in the field of polymer materials science, as it describes recent developments in the deformation and fracture behavior of polymer materials and provides deeper insight into related morphology-property correlations of thermoplastics, elastomers, and polymer resins. The chapters cover material testing and diagnostics tailored for plastic pipes, films, and adhesive systems, and also provide real-life industrial applications, as well as basic research and industrial developments, presented in a systematic and concise manner.
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5."Engineering Behaviour of Rocks" by I W Farmer
“Engineering Behaviour of Rocks” Book Review: The book offers a comprehensive understanding of rocks as a structural material by covering their mechanical behavior, experimental data, deformation, fracture, and yield. It also discusses the behavior of rocks in terms of material, discontinuities, and their impact on rock masses. The book is a valuable reference for mechanical engineering students, as well as professionals in related fields.
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6."Mesoscopic Dynamics of Fracture: Computational Materials Design (Advances in Materials Research)" by Hiroshi Kitagawa and Tomoyasu Jr Aihara
“Mesoscopic Dynamics of Fracture: Computational Materials Design (Advances in Materials Research)” Book Review: This book extensively covers topics related to deformation, fractures, fracture criteria, and defects. In addition, the book delves into interfaces, electronic structure calculations, and introduces new computational methods. The book also presents recent developments in molecular dynamics, which have helped to solve problems related to fracture at the atomic level. The book is recommended for mechanical engineering students and professionals who are interested in studying the dynamics of fracture.
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7."Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics)" by Herbert Baaser and Kolumban Hutter
“Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics)” Book Review: This book offers a comprehensive overview of deformation and failure in metallic materials, covering recent engineering and mathematical aspects in this field. It includes discussions on mathematical foundations, modeling techniques, and various numerical methods, along with relevant experimental studies and their verifications. The book presents the results of the research program conducted by “Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft”. It is a valuable resource for mechanical engineering students and professionals interested in studying the deformation and failure of metallic materials.
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8."Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention" by Arthur J McEvily and Jirapong Kasivitamnuay
“Metal Failures: Mechanisms, Analysis, Prevention” Book Review: This book comprehensively covers various failure modes, methods for determining the causes of failure, and metallurgical failure analysis. Additionally, the book delves into the elastic behavior of metals, plastic deformation, localized necking, fatigue, and crack propagation. The book also explains alloys, coatings, tensors and their notations, and other related topics. It is intended for students in mechanical engineering and related fields who are studying metal failures, as well as working professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge.
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9."Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: Quasi-Static Strength, Deformation, and Fracture Behavior of Aluminum–Lithium Alloys" by T S Srivatsan and Enrique J Lavernia
“Aluminum-Lithium Alloys: Quasi-Static Strength, Deformation, and Fracture Behavior of Aluminum–Lithium Alloys” Book Review: This book provides an explanation of the use of Aluminum-Lithium alloys, including their key aspects, precipitation kinetics, composition, and heat treatment. Additionally, the book covers topics related to the strength, ductility, fracture toughness, and overall anisotropy of the alloys. It also discusses the tensile behavior of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation alloys, microstructural influences, and matrix slip characteristics. This book is suitable for mechanical engineering students and those in related fields who are studying aluminum-lithium alloys, as well as for working professionals seeking to expand their knowledge on the subject.
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10."Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage: Proceedings of EUROMAT 2000, Tours, France, 7-9 November" by D Miannay and P Costa
“Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage: Proceedings of EUROMAT 2000, Tours, France, 7-9 November” Book Review: This book delves into the discussions held in EUROMAT regarding the relationship between the microstructures of materials and their mechanical behavior. It covers the fundamentals, modeling, and practical applications of mechanical behavior, including important topics like damage, mechanics of solid polymers, microstructures, and micromechanisms. Anyone interested in learning about mechanical behavior, plasticity, and damage can refer to this book.
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