A symbol X is useful if:
- If X is generating, i.e., X =>* w, where w ϵ L(G) and w in Vt*, this means that the string leads to a string of terminal symbols.
- If X is reachable If there is a derivation S =>* αXβ =>* w, w ϵ L(G), for same α and β, then X is said to be reachable.
A number that is useful is both generating and reachable. For reduction of a given grammar G:
- Identify non-generating symbols in the given CFG and eliminate those productions which contains non-generating symbols.
- Identify non-reachable symbols and eliminate those productions which contain the non-reachable symbols
Example: Remove the useless symbol from the given context free grammar:
S -> aB / bX
A -> Bad / bSX / a
B -> aSB / bBX
X -> SBD / aBx / ad
A and X directly derive string of terminals a and ad, hence they are useful. Since X is a useful symbol so S is also a useful symbol as S -> bX. But B does not derive any string w in V*t so clearly B is a non-generating symbol.So eliminating those productions with B in them we get
S -> bX
A -> bSX / a
X -> ad
In the reduced grammar A is a non-reachable symbol so we remove it and the final grammar after elimination of the useless symbols is
S -> bX
X -> ad
Question: Find the equivalent useless grammar from the given grammar
A -> xyz / Xyzz
X -> Xz / xYz
Y -> yYy / Xz
Z -> Zy / z
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A -> xyz
Z -> Zy / z
Since A is the starting symbol this implies Z is the non-reachable symbol. So we remove it to get a grammar free of useless symbols:
A -> xyz
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