Audio Engineering MCQ Questions and Answers – Audio Devices – USB MP3 Players

This set of Audio Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Audio Devices – USB MP3 Players”.

1. What does MP3 stands for?
a) MPEG audio layer 3
b) MKV video layer 3
c) MPEG video layer 3
d) JPEG audio layer 3
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Answer: a
Explanation: MP3 stands for MPEG audio layer 3. It is a standard for audio compression that makes any music file much smaller. The MP3 format compresses the sound that was recorded, into a very small file, while keeping the original sound quality.

2. MP3 format is most widely used format in digital audio.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: MP3 player is an electronic device that can play digital audio files of MP3 format. MP3 players are known as digital audio players (DAP). MP3 format is most widely used format in digital audio. Although MP3 audio is available in CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs, most widely used players are USB players playing MP3 audio known as USB MP3 players.

3. In which year the first MP3 player was introduced?
a) 1987
b) 1975
c) 1998
d) 1945
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Answer: c
Explanation: MP3 stands for MPEG audio layer 3. The MP3 produces CD quality music, and is often hard to tell the difference between the two. The first MP3 player was MpMan introduced by the Eiger labs in 1998 which has storage capacity of 32 MB.

4. Which of the following does the overall functions like controlling the MP3 files reading from the memory and applying them to audio codec and controlling playback process from control keys?
a) MCU
b) USB
c) MPMan
d) AM tuner
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Answer: a
Explanation: The memory controls the flow of files to the MCU (Microcontroller Unit). The MCU (ASIC) does the overall functions like controlling the MP3 files reading from the memory and applying them to audio codec, controlling playback process from control keys, display on the LCD panel and supply of power to various blocks.

5. What is the device called that can hold digital audio files on internal or external media in USB MP3 players?
a) Solid state
b) Liquid state
c) Gaseous state
d) Mixed state
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Answer: a
Explanation: The solid state devices that hold digital audio files on internal or external media, such as memory cards. These are generally low storage devices, typically ranging from 128 MB to1 GB, which can often be extended with additional memory. As they are solid state and do not have moving parts, they can be very resilient.
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6. Which device is the best example for the device that can read digital audio files from a hard drive?
a) Apple’s iPod
b) Radio
c) Television
d) Pen drive
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Answer: a
Explanation: Devices that can read digital audio files from a hard drive have higher capacities, ranging from 1.5 GB to 100 GB, depending on the hard drive technology. This means that thousands of songs, perhaps an entire music collection can be stored in one MP3 player. Apple’s iPod player is the best known example.

7. The MP3 format is not popular format for storing music.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The above statement is false. The MP3 format is one of the most popular formats for storing music. It uses a small area for each song without loss of quality. USB MP3 players are useful for storing large amount of music in one small physical device. USB MP3 players are more efficient than other players.

8. Which player dominates the music media market?
a) Transistor radio
b) DVD
c) MP3
d) CD
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the beginning, transistor radios brought the revolution in world’s media. From there, cassette players and later CD players took over the scene. Now, MP3 player dominate the music media market. There is no doubt that there are many pros and cons to the MP3 player revolution, but no matter what people think of them that technology will continue to evolve throughout the next decades.

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