This set of Audio Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Audio as Data and Audio Signal”.
1. Once audio is in analog domain, it becomes data and hence we can perform many manipulations on it and also store it.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The above statement is false. Earlier when analog technologies were used for different applications, we had to face many restrictions, but they are overcome by using digital technology. Once audio (signal) is in digital domain, it becomes data and hence we can perform many manipulations on it and also store it.
2. Which of the following restrictions apply to analog broadcasting?
a) Disc based recording
b) Channel coding
c) Networks
d) Interference, fading and multipath reception
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Explanation: Nowadays we have a powerful processor that can perform any audio manipulation and enhancement operation under specific software within fraction of seconds at just one click. Analog broadcasting has its own restrictions with specific problems like interference, fading and multipath reception.
3. Over how much distance can we transmit digital audio without loss of quality?
a) Zero
b) Infinite
c) 1
d) Thousands
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Explanation: Due to industrial revolution we have digital memory storage devices like memories and hard drives. SSDs (solid state drive) and various type of disk drives to store and transmit data (digital audio) over infinite distance without quality loss.
4. Which is the important part of the system which are being used to time shift broadcast programs to skip commercial breaks?
a) Hard drive based servers
b) Software drive based servers
c) Disk based recording
d) Digital audio broadcasting
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Explanation: Digital compressor signals arrived in real time by terrestrial or satellite broadcast or via internet. The very important part of the system is hard drive based servers which are being used to time shift broadcast programs to skip commercial breaks or to assemble requested audio material transmitted in non-real time at lower bit rate.
5. Which type of audio video files can be made portable by downloading?
a) Uncompressed
b) Compressed
c) Noisy
d) Distorted
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Explanation: By downloading compressed audio video files and storing it in the memories make the audio video portable. Anyone with a website can become a broadcaster. Ultimately digital broadcasting technologies will change the nature of whole broadcasting process.
6. The analog audio signal is generated by the velocity of a microphone diaphragm.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: An analog audio signal is generated by the velocity of a microphone diaphragm. This audio signal is an electrical waveform. It is two dimensional which carries a voltage changing continuously with respect to time. Ultimately it is analog signal so it carries some infinite variations of continuous parameter.
7. Which of the following cannot be detected and therefore it is difficult to separate the original signal from distorted signal in audio signal?
a) Bandwidth
b) Amplitude
c) Distortion
d) Wavelength
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Explanation: The characteristic of analog systems is that degradation cannot be separated from the original signal. Distortion cannot be detected and therefore it is difficult to separate the original signal from distorted signal. Ultimately we get a signal which is sum of all degradations introduced by each stage of the system.
8. What is the full form of PCM?
a) Pulse code modulation
b) Phase code modulation
c) Pulse carrier motion
d) Pulse carrier modulation
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Explanation: Digital audio means carrying an audio waveform in digital form, and for this many ways are available but PCM (pulse code modulation) is universally used. In the analog waveform of PCM signal is selected in a stepwise manner, at regular time intervals.
9. In which manner each sample is represented in audio signal?
a) Back porch
b) AGC (Automatic gain control)
c) Root mean square
d) Stepwise
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Explanation: Some people think that sampling takes away something from the signals because it does not care what is between the samples. But if the sampling frequency is twice or more than double the signal bandwidth, accurate reproduction of analog audio signal is possible. Thus, the sample is represented in a stepwise manner.
10. What is expressed as the magnitude of sample represented by finite number which is proportional to some voltage in audio signal?
a) Quantizing
b) Amplitude
c) Phase
d) Frequency
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Explanation: In audio signal each sample is represented in a stepwise manner. The magnitude of sample is represented by finite number which is proportional to some voltage. This process is known as quantizing. Each sample is a numerical analog of the voltage at the corresponding instant in the sound.
11. At which time step is a sample taken in ADC?
a) Odd
b) Even
c) Prime
d) 1
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Explanation: In ADC (Analog to digital convertor), every effort is made to get rid of time instability so that each sample is taken at even time step. If there is any time error the sample would be changed at that instant and the effect is detected.
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