Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers – Artificial Intelligence Agents

This set of Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Artificial Intelligence Agents”.

1. The performance of an agent can be improved by __________
a) Learning
b) Observing
c) Perceiving
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: An agent can improve by saving the previous states on which it was earlier, hence in future it can learn to respond in the same situation better.

2. External actions of the agent is selected by __________
a) Perceive
b) Performance
c) Learning
d) Actuator
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Answer: b
Explanation: It depends on how you want to improve and what the performance measures are.

3. The action of the Simple reflex agent completely depends upon __________
a) Perception history
b) Current perception
c) Learning theory
d) Utility functions
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Answer: b
Explanation: These agents select actions based on the current perception, ignoring the rest of the perception history.

4. Which of the following could be the approaches to Artificial Intelligence?
a) Strong Artificial Intelligence
b) Weak Artificial Intelligence
c) Applied Artificial Intelligence
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Strong Artificial Intelligence aims to build machines that can truly reason and solve problems.
Weak Artificial Intelligence deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that cannot truly reason and solve problems, but can act as if it were intelligent.
Applied Artificial Intelligence aims to produce commercially viable “smart” systems.
In the Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach, a computer is used to test theories about how the human mind works.

5. An Artificial Neural Network Is based on?
a) Strong Artificial Intelligence approach
b) Weak Artificial Intelligence approach
c) Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach
d) Applied Artificial Intelligence approach
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Answer: c
Explanation: In the Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach, a computer is used to test theories about how the human mind works, for example, theories about how we recognize faces and other objects, or about how we solve abstract problems.

6. The Face Recognition system is based on?
a) Strong Artificial Intelligence approach
b) Weak Artificial Intelligence approach
c) Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach
d) Applied Artificial Intelligence approach
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Answer: d
Explanation: Applied Artificial Intelligence approach aims to produce commercially viable “smart” systems such as, for example, a security system that is able to recognize the faces of people who permitted to enter a particular building. Applied Artificial Intelligence has already enjoyed considerable success.

7. A completely automated chess engine (Learn from previous games) is based on?
a) Strong Artificial Intelligence approach
b) Weak Artificial Intelligence approach
c) Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach
d) Applied Artificial Intelligence approach
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Answer: a
Explanation: Strong Artificial Intelligence aims to build machines that can truly reason and solve problems. These machines must be self-aware and their overall intellectual ability needs to be indistinguishable from that of a human being. Strong Artificial Intelligence maintains that suitably programmed machines are capable of cognitive mental states.

8. A basic line following robot is based on __________
a) Strong Artificial Intelligence approach
b) Weak Artificial Intelligence approach
c) Cognitive Artificial Intelligence approach
d) Applied Artificial Intelligence approach
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Answer: b
Explanation: Weak Artificial Intelligence deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that cannot truly reason and solve problems, but can act as if it were intelligent. Weak Artificial Intelligence holds that suitably programmed machines can simulate human cognition.

9. Which of the following task/tasks Artificial Intelligence could not do yet?
a) Understand natural language robustly
b) Web mining
c) Construction of plans in real time dynamic systems
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These are the areas in which need more focus for improvements.

10. What among the following is/are the example of the intelligent agent/agents?
a) Human
b) Robot
c) Autonomous Spacecraft
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Humans can be looked upon as agents. They have eyes, ears, skin, taste buds, etc. for sensors; and hands, fingers, legs, mouth for effectors. Robots are agents. Robots may have camera, sonar, infrared, bumper, etc. for sensors. They can have grippers, wheels, lights, speakers, etc. for actuators. Autonomous Spacecraft takes decision on its own based on perceptions.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Artificial Intelligence.

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