This set of Arduino Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “RFID Module”.
1. What is the use of the RFID Module?
a) Object Identification
b) To provide 3G Connectivity
c) To measure temperature
d) To measure Wi-Fi strength
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Explanation: The RFID Module is primarily used for object identification and tracking. It’s abbreviation stands for Radio Frequency Identification Module. It’s working is mostly wireless and uses electromagnetic fields.
2. What is the role of the MISO pin in the RFID Module?
a) Master In Slave Out
b) Manage Internal Slave Output
c) Master Internal Search Optimization
d) Manage Input Slave Op
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Explanation: The RFID Module’s MISO pin acts as Master In Slave Out while the SPI Interface is activated, and as a serial clock when I2C Interface is enabled. However, when UART Mode is activated, it assumes the role of the Serial Data Output Pin.
3. Is there an SDA pin on the RFID Module?
a) Yes
b) No
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Explanation: The RFID Module has an SDA/SS/Rx Pin which, when the SPI Interface is enabled acts as a signal pin, when the I2C Interface is enabled acts as a Serial Data Pin, and in case of UART Mode Activation acts as a Serial Data Input pin.
4. What will happen if we supply a voltage of 25V to the Vcc of the RFID Module?
a) Damage is caused
b) Module will shut down
c) Module will not respond for the time the voltage is applied
d) Module will function normally
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Explanation: The RFID Modules are mostly built to work on a voltage of approximately 3.3V. Any voltage lower than that and the board will not be able to power on, but however any voltage significantly above that and the board may suffer permanent damage.
5. Which frequency does the RFID Module operate in?
a) 12.98 MHz
b) 14.67 MHz
c) 19.56 MHz
d) 13.56 MHz
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Explanation: The RFID Module operates in the 13.56 MHz frequency since it is the universal unregulated frequency for all scientific and medical research purposes. It was set as the standard international frequency to be followed by all, since it does not interfere significantly with the environment.
6. What is the maximum data rate of the RFID Module?
a) 11 Mbps
b) 1 Kbps
c) 10 Mbps
d) 11 Gbps
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Explanation: The maximum data rate of any given device is the ability of that given device to transfer as many bits of information from one location to another in unit time. Here, the maximum data rate of the RFID Module is 10 Mbps, which means that the module can transfer a maximum of 10 Megabytes of data in 1 second.
7. What is the maximum read range of the RFID Module?
a) 2 cm
b) 1 cm
c) 10 cm
d) 5 cm
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Explanation: The maximum read range of an RFID Module is the maximum distance in space that the receiver module can read the signal sent by the transmitter module. In order for proper working of the module during operation, it is advised that both the modules are kept within the read range for accurate performance.
8. Is there an interrupt pin on the RFID Module?
a) Yes
b) No
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Explanation: There is an interrupt pin on the RFID Module which keeps the module alert to incoming connection requests from any RFID transmitter that approaches its maximum read range so that it can throw a subsequent software interrupt in order for the new transmitter to function in sync with the receiver.
9. What is the minimum working current internally in the RFID Module?
a) 12 mA
b) 13 mA
c) 10 mA
d) 1 mA
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Explanation: The internal working current inside the RFID Module ranges between 13 mA and 26 mA approximately. If there is a power surge in any portion of the module, it can mean that there is a faulty component which can be dangerous for the entire module as a whole.
10. Till what voltage are the logic pins on the RFID Module resistant to?
a) 5V
b) 3.3V
c) 2V
d) 12V
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Explanation: The logic pins on the RFID Module are resistant up to 5V despite having an operational range of 2.5V to 3.3V. This means that one does not need to connect any logic level converter circuit in between the RFID Module and any other Arduino Microcontrollers which work on 5V.
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