Arduino Questions and Answers – Other Libraries

This set of Arduino Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Other Libraries”.

1. What library is to be required for manipulating audio on the Arduino Due?
a) AudioMan.h
b) PulseAudio.h
c) Audio.h
d) Sound.h
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Arduino Due uses the Audio.h library for manipulation of sounds. It allows the Arduino Due to use the DAC0 and DAC1 pins to open .wav audio files from a source. Most of the time this library is used with the SD.h standard library to enable the Arduino Due to be able to read audio files from SD Cards.

2. Which of the following Arduino Boards does the USBHost Library work on?
a) Arduino Nano
b) Arduino Due
c) Arduino Uno
d) Arduino Micro
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Answer: b
Explanation: The USBHost Library was developed for the Arduino Due. This library allows the Arduino Due to appear as a USB Host and connect to external peripherals like the mouse and keyboard. However this does not include device connected through USB Hubs.

3. What is the function of the Scheduler Library?
a) To allow queueing of functions
b) To allow for cancelling of functions
c) To allow for parallel execution of functions
d) To allow for serial initialization of functions
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Scheduler Library works only on the Arduino Zero, Due, etc. and other Arduino Boards having SAM and SAMD architectures. It allows for parallel running of functions without using interrupt. It allows the CPU to switch seamlessly between tasks.

4. Which Arduino Board Architectures can the Audio Frequency Meter Library work on?
a) SAM Architecture
b) Intel Architecture
c) SAMD Architecture
d) ARM Architecture
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Audio Frequency Meter Library only works on Arduino Boards having the SAMD Architecture, including the Arduino Zero, MKRZero, etc. It allows for the sampling of an analog signal and finding out it’s frequency. Any analog pin is supported for this operation.

5. Which library allows for manipulating the real time clock of an Arduino?
a) RTC Library
b) RT Library
c) Clock Library
d) Time Library
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Answer: a
Explanation: This library works on Arduino Boards that have the SAMD Architecture, including the Arduino Zero, MKRZero, etc. It allows for manipulating the Internal Real Time Clock of the Arduino. The Real Time Clock maintains the current time related information and can also be used for scheduling programs.

6. Which Arduino Board does the SigFox Library work with?
a) Arduino MKR1000
b) Arduino MKRFOX1200
c) Arduino MKRZero
d) Arduino MKRFOX1230
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Answer: b
Explanation: The SigFox Library allows the use of the SigFox transreceiver with the Arduino MKRFOX1200 Board. It uses UNB (Ultra Narrow Band) to interconnect remote devices. It’s a low energy device which falls in the category of LPWAN (Low Powered Wide Area Network).

7. What is the use of the code given below?

  1. #include<Esplora.h>
  2. void setup() {
  3.     Serial.begin(9600);
  4. }
  5. void loop() {
  6.     int v=Esplora.readSlider();
  7.     Serial.println(v);
  8. }

a) Read Potentiometer Value
b) Read Resistor Value
c) Read Transistor Voltage Value
d) Read Power Supply Voltage
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Answer: a
Explanation: This library reads the value of the linear potentiometer on the Arduino Esplora as a 10-bit number. This is generated in the form of a voltage level from 0 to 5V and is then mapped to a number set ranging from 0 to 1023.

8. What purpose does the Bridge Library serve on the Arduino Yun?
a) Connecting the Linux processor and the microcontroller onboard the Yun
b) Disconnecting the Linux processor and the microcontroller onboard the Yun
c) Making the Linux Processor the master device and the microcontroller, the slave device
d) Making the Linux Processor the slave device and the microcontroller, the master device
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Arduino Yun has two processors onboard; the Atheros 9331 which is a processor that runs Linux and the Atmega32U4 which is a microcontroller. The job of the Bridge Library’s job is to connect these two devices and enable communication between them.

9. What is the purpose of the MKRNB Library?
a) Connecting to the internet over GSM
b) Connecting to the internet over Ethernet
c) Connecting to the internet over Wi-Fi
d) Connecting to the internet over LAN
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Answer: a
Explanation: The MKRNB Library runs on the Arduino MKR NB 1500 and helps in connecting the board to the internet via GSM. The board consists of a modem that takes the data from the serial port of the board and then sends it to the internet via the GSM Network with the help of AT commands.

10. Which of the following boards does the WifiNINA Library work on?
a) Arduino MKR 1010
b) Arduino Due
c) Arduino MKR VIDOR 3000
d) Arduino Micro
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Answer: a
Explanation: The library enables the Wi-Fi capabilities of the Arduino MKR 1010 Board. It can be also used as a server to accept incoming connections and even send outgoing requests. It also supports WEP and WPA2 Encryption Systems.

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