This set of Arduino Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Board Pinout Structure”.
1. What is the use of the RESET button on the Arduino UNO?
a) To restart the code present in the Arduino
b) To restore a previous version of a code
c) To erase the code present in the Arduino
d) To erase the SRAM in Arduino Microcontroller
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Explanation: The external RESET button on then Arduino is used for restarting the Arduino’s bootloader, effectively stopping the execution of the code that was already present on the Arduino and then rerunning it after a few seconds of delay by which point the bootloader is ready. This should be always performed with all external connections to the GPIO pins of the Arduino taken out.
2. What is the use of the Vin pin present on some Arduino Boards?
a) To provide a 5V output
b) Is used for plugging in 3V supply
c) To power the Arduino Board
d) To ground the Arduino Board
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Explanation: The Vin Pin can be used for accepting a 9V power supply which is usually given through the external Jack. It can also be used for getting a 9V output when the Arduino is powered through the Jack, thus acting as both a power source and a short from the power source both when needed.
3. What does the analogRead() function do physically when invoked in a code?
a) It accepts a digital Input
b) Reads the raw voltage value
c) Activates the ADC Circuit to read voltage values
d) Activates the DAC Circuit to read voltage values
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Explanation: The Arduino has an onboard ADC (Analog to Digital Convertor) Circuit which when invoked by the analogRead() function, takes the voltage from the pin that is specified by the program and compares them with the threshold value (5V on the Arduino UNO, 7V on the Arduino Mini and Nano, etc.) and then provides a value ranging from 0 to 1023.
4. What is the use for the 2 serial pins on the Arduino Diecimila?
a) To send and receive GPIO digital signals
b) To receive analog signals
c) To send PWM signals
d) To send and receive Serial TTL signals
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Explanation: There are two pins for sending and receiving the Serial TTL Signals. The TX (for transmission) and the RX (for receiving). In the Arduino Diecimila they are connected to the corresponding pins of the FTDI USB to Serial Chip.
5. The pins SS, SCK, MOSI and MISO on the Arduino belong to the ___ bus.
a) I2C
b) SPI
d) Ethernet
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Explanation: The Pins SS (Select Slave), SCK (Serial Clock), MOSI (Master Output Slave Input), and MISO (Master Input Slave Output) belong to the SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Bus which is used as a form of wired communication between two or more microcontrollers.
6. What is the full form of the I2C Protocol?
a) Inter-Integrated Circuit
b) Intra-Integrated Circuit
c) Integrated-Inter Circuit
d) Infinite-Integrated Circuit
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Explanation: The I2C Protocol is used to connect lower speed IC’s to microcontrollers. It was developed by Phillips Semiconductors in 1982.
7. What is the function of the IOREF pin on the Arduino UNO?
a) To provide a constant 12V DC supply
b) To provide the voltage corresponding to the standard GPIO working voltage of the board
c) To take input voltage and set it as a reference for all GPIO operations
d) To provide ground
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Explanation: The IOREF pin provides the operation voltage reference for the Arduino. Usually on most Arduino Boards that is 5V but on the Diecimila it is 3.3V however. But this pin should not be at any given time connected to a load as power source.
8. What is the function of the AREF pin in the Arduino UNO?
a) It is used as a reference voltage for all analog voltage calculations in the board
b) It is used as a reference voltage for all digital voltage calculations in the board
c) It is used as a reference voltage for the power source on the board
d) It is used as a reference voltage for the ground pins on the board
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Explanation: The AREF pin is used internally by the board for measuring the analog voltages. By default, if nothing is connected to it then it will give the range for analog voltage calculation as 0-5V. But this pin when connected to a lower voltage say 3V will set the range for voltage calculations from0-3V.
9. In the diagram given below, there are two sets given. These sets represent pin clusters on a typical Arduino UNO. Which set do the Digital IO pins on the Arduino UNO belong to?
a) Set A
b) Set B
c) Set A and B
d) Neither Set A nor B
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Explanation: The digital pins on the Arduino UNO are in set B and are numbered from 2 to 13, where the pin 13 is connected to the on-board LED. They can receive and sending digital signals which have a range of 0V (Logical 0) to 5V (Logical 1).
10. What are the functions of the SDA and SCL pins of the Arduino UNO?
a) They facilitate I2C communications
b) They facilitate SPI Communications
c) They facilitate USB Communications
d) They facilitate Ethernet Communications
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Explanation: The SDA and the SCL pins on the Arduino UNO are used for communicating through the I2C protocol. They are supported by the Wire Library in the Arduino IDE which supports the 7-bit addressing mode.
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