Antennas Questions and Answers – Radiation – Basic Maxwell Equations

This set of Antennas Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Radiation – Basic Maxwell Equations”.

1. The Maxwell equation ∇×E=\(\frac{-\partial B}{\partial t}\) is derived from which law?
a) Amperes law
b) Faradays Law
c) Lens law
d) Gauss law
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Answer: b
Explanation: Faradays law states that emf generated around a loop of wire in magnetic field is proportional to the rate of change of time-varying magnetic field through the loop.
Amperes law gives ∇×H=J
Lens law gives only the reason for the negative sign in the Faradays law of induction.
Gauss’s law states that the net flux of an electricfield in a closed surface is directly proportional to the enclosed electric charge.

2. The minus sign in the Faradays law of induction is given by ______
a) Lens Law
b) Gauss law
c) Amperes Law
d) Gauss law
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Answer: a
Explanation:Lens law gives only the reason for the negative sign in the Faradays law of induction
emf=\(-\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t}\)
The minus sign indicates the direction of induced current.

3. Which of the following Maxwell equation is obtained from Amperes law?
a) ∇×H=J
b) emf=\(-\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial t}\)
c) ∇×E=\(\frac{-\partial B}{\partial t}\)
d) ∇×D=ρv
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Answer: a

  • Faradays Law                : ∇×E=\(-\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}\)
  • Amperes Law                : ∇×H=J+\(\frac{\partial D}{\partial t}\)
  • Gauss Law for electric field     : D=ρv
  • Gauss law for magnetic field  : ∇.B=0

4. Gauss for the Magnetic Field is given by ______
a) ∇.B=0
b) ∇×B=ρv
c) ∇×B=0
d) ∇.B=ρv
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gauss law for magnetic field states that the net flux out of any closed surface is zero.
This Maxwell equation is one of the equation used to determine the boundary conditions.

5. Gauss for the Electric Field is given by ______
a) ∇.D=0
b) ∇×D=ρv
c) ∇×D=0
d) ∇.D=ρv
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Answer: d
Explanation:Gauss’s law for electric field states that the net flux of an electricfield in a closed surface is directly proportional to the enclosed electric charge. ∇.D=ρv
This Maxwell equation is one of the equation used to determine the boundary conditions.

6. Which of the Following Maxwell equation is for nonexistence of isolated magnetic charge?
a) ∇×E=-\(-\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}\)
b) ∇×H=J
c) ∇.D=ρv
d) ∇.B=0
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gauss law for magnetic field states that the net flux out of any closed surface is zero.
This is satisfied only when two different poles of magnet exist. So this Maxwell equation proves for the nonexistence of the isolated magnetic charge.

  • Faradays Law : ∇×E=\(-\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}\)
  • Amperes Law : ∇×H=J
  • Gauss Law for electric field : ∇.D=ρv

7. In which of the following Integral form of Maxwell equations, the surface is closed?
a) Amperes law
b) Gauss Law
c) Faradays Law
d) Both Amperes and Faraday law
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Answer: b
Explanation: The surface integral is closed for the Gauss laws of magnetic and electric fields. It is open for the amperes and Faradays law.
Maxwell Equations:

  • Gauss law electric field : \(\oint_sD.ds =\int_v\rho_v dv \)
  • Gauss law magnetic field : \(\oint_sB.ds =0\)
  • Faradays law : \(\int_cE.dl =-\int_s\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}.dS\)
  • Amperes law : \(\int_cH.dl =\int_s(\frac{\partial D}{\partial t} + J).dS\)

8. Divergence of Magnetic field is ______
a) volume charge density ρv
b) zero
c) infinite
d) dependent on magnetic field vector
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Divergence of Magnetic is always zero.It is obtained from the Maxwell equation ∇.B=0 which is derived from the Gauss law of magnetic field.Gauss law for magnetic field states that the net flux out of any closed surface is zero. ∇.D=ρv.

9. Which of the following Maxwell equation is correct for a non-conducting and lossless medium?
a) ∇.D=ρv
b) ∇.D=0
c) ∇×D=ρv
d) ∇×E=0
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since it is given non-conducting medium, the charge density ρv=0 and current density J=0. The Maxwell equations are:

  • Faradays Law                : ∇×E=\(-\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}\)
  • Amperes Law                : ∇×H=\(\frac{\partial D}{\partial t}\)
  • Gauss Law for electric field     : ∇.D=0
  • Gauss law for magnetic field  : ∇.B=0

10. Find skin depth of 5GHz for silver with a conductivity 6.1×107s/m and relative permittivity 1.
a) 0.00091m
b) 0.9113μm
c) 0.319μm
d) 0.1913μm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The skin depth is given by \(δ = \sqrt{\frac{1}{\pi fμσ}}\)
Given f=5GHz
Conductivity σ= 6.1×107 s/m
And μr = 1 =>μ=4π ×10-7
⇨ \(δ = \sqrt{\frac{1}{\pi fμσ}}=0.9113\mu m.\)

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