Analog Circuits Questions and Answers – Clamper Circuit

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Clamper Circuit”.

1. Which of the following is not true regarding clamper?
a) A positive clamper adds a positive DC voltage
b) A clamper can also be called as a re-inserter
c) To reduce tilt, reduce the RC value
d) Negative clamper will clamp the positive peak of output to the reference voltage
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Answer: c
Explanation: Clamper is called a re-inserter since it adds DC voltage to wave, inserts DC. Also, a positive clamper adds a positive DC voltage, shifting the wave up, and vice versa for the negative clamper. However, to reduce the tilt in the output, RC should be large, not small.

2. What is A, B, C and D to design a voltage doubler in the given circuit?
Find A, B, C & D of voltage doubler in the given circuit
a) A=B=Resistors, C=D=Diodes
b) A=D=Capacitors, B=C=Diodes
c) A=Capacitor, B=D=Diodes, C=Resistor
d) A=C=Diodes, B=D=Capacitors
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Answer: b
Explanation: During the negative cycle, D1 conducts and C1 charges up to peak input. When the input is positive, then D2 conducts and C2 charges up to 2Vm. This creates a voltage doubler.
Voltage doubler with D2 conducts & C2 charges up to 2Vm

3. Consider the circuit provided. Total discharge time = 0.5 ms. Consider the diode to be an ideal diode, for a square wave input of ± 10 V, what is the percentage tilt? (C = 1MF & R = 50k Ohms)
Find the percentage tilt if total discharge time is 0.5 ms for square wave input of ± 10 V
a) 10%
b) 1%
c) 0.1%
d) 1.1%
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total discharge time Td=0.5ms. For ideal diode, no cut-in voltage.
% Tilt = ΔVo/2Vm * 100
Idischarge = 2Vm/R = 2*10/50k = 0.4 mA
ΔVo = Tdischarge*Idischarge/C = 0.5ms*0.4mA/1MF = 0.2
% Tilt = (0.2/20) * 100 = 1 %.

4. Given input for the circuit is f = 1 KHz.
Find V1 & discharge time if input f is1 KHz in given graph
Diode cut-in voltage = 0.7 V
Find V1 & discharge time if diode cut-in voltage is 0.7 V in given circuit
Output waveform:
Find V1 & discharge time if output waveform is from +10V to -10V
For the given output, find V1 and discharge time?
a) 4.3 V, 1ms
b) 4V, 0.5ms
c) 4.3V, 0.5ms
d) 5.7V, 1ms
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Answer: c
Explanation: Original wave is from +10V to -10V. The final square wave is from +5V to -15V. Negative DC voltage is added, it’s a negative clamper.
Thus, Vo = 5 V when Vin = 10 V. Vcut-in = 0.7 V
Then, Vo = Vin – (V1 + Vcut-in) = 10 – (V1 + 0.7) = 5
Therefore V1 = 4.3 V
Discharge time = To/2 ; To = 1/fo = 1/1000 = 1 ms; Discharge time = 0.5 ms.

5. In the given circuit, given that C=2MF and diode cut-in voltage, Vγ =0. Calculate the average output voltage.
Find the average output voltage if C=2MF & diode cut-in voltage Vγ is 0
a) 2V
b) 4V
c) -2V
d) -3V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Maximum input is Vm = 32 + 5 = 37 V
Capacitor charges up to 37 – 3 = 34 V
Vout = Vin – Vc = 32 + 5 sinωt – 34 = -2 + 5sinωt
Average output voltage = – 2 V.
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6. Considering a clamper circuit, where capacitance C, load R, the cut-in voltage of diode are unknown, which is the correct statement?
a) The DC level of the signal changes
b) The peak-to-peak value of signal changes
c) The shape of signal changes
d) The DC level shifts up
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Answer: a
Explanation: The shape and peak to peak value of signal remain unchanged in a clamper. A clamper only affects the DC voltage level of the wave, which can be both moved up and down, not simply up.

7. Tilt of output waveform for the circuit is 1%. Given that input is a square wave ± 10 V, f = 2 kHz, diode cut-in voltage = 0.7, what is the relation between C and R?
Find relation between C & R when output waveform is 1% & square wave ± 10 V f 2 kHz
a) RC=20
b) RC=1/2
c) RC=2
d) RC=1/20
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Answer: d
Explanation: To = 1/f = 1 ms; Tdischarge = 0.5 ms
Tilt = 100 *ΔVo/2Vm = 100 *ΔVo/20 = 5 * ΔVo = 1
Thus ΔVo = 0.2 = Idischarge * Tdischarge/C
Idischarge/C = 0.2/Tdischarge = 0.2/0.5 ms = 400
RC = 2Vm/400 = 20/400 = 1/20.

8. If input diode is an ideal diode. Which output waveform across R is valid for values of V1 from +2 to + 4 volts?
Find the output waveform across R for values of V1 from +2 to + 4 volts
Find the output waveform of input diode for values of V1 from +2 to + 4 volts
a) Input diode is ideal diode with output waveform across R - option a
b) Input diode is ideal diode with output waveform across R - option b
c) Input diode is ideal diode with output waveform across R - option c
d) Input diode is ideal diode with output waveform across R - option d
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Answer: b
Explanation: The waveform cannot change its frequency since a clamper only effects DC level of waveform. Also, the peak-to-peak value of wave does not change due to a clamper.
Since the bias voltage starts from 2V, the output waveform cannot start from 0V.

9. Choose the correct option for the relation between the two circuits.
Find the relation between two circuits capacitor C2 charges up to twice the positive peak
a) Circuit (a) is a voltage doubler circuit, while Circuit (b) does not double the voltage
b) Both are similar and double the voltage to 2Vm
c) Circuit (a) is a doubler circuit with output +2Vm and Circuit (b) is a doubler with output -2Vm
d) Circuit (a) is a doubler circuit, while Circuit (b) is a clipper
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both circuits are half-wave voltage doublers, in which capacitor C2 charges up to twice the positive (or negative for Circuit (b)) peak for one half of the wave. Neither of the circuits acts as a clipper.

10. Consider the circuit shown. The input is a square wave ± 15 V, for a silicon diode and an output voltage swing of 30 V. Choose the validity of the statement. If the value of resistance R = 10KΩ and capacitance C = 1MF.
Circuit of input square wave ± 15 V for a silicon diode & output voltage swing of 30 V
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The output voltage swing is always equal to the input voltage swing. The output swing doesn’t depend on the values of R and C. All values are valid, RC values only are changed to decrease the tilt /distortion.

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