Analog Circuits Questions and Answers – Series Clipper – 2

This set of Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Series Clipper-2”.

1. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k. Voltage V is 1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)
Find output of system if resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V is 1V in given circuit
a) Circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1 & Voltage V is 1V - option a
b) Circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1 & Voltage V is 1V - option b
c) Circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1 & Voltage V is 1V - option c
d) Circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1 & Voltage V is 1V - option d
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Answer: a
Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD-V
= 5sint – 0.7 – 1 = 5sint – 1.7
The voltage across resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2)
= (5sint – 1.7)1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-1.7/2 = 1.65V
The output will be positive half of sine wave with an upward shift of 1V.
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output
Red is input & green is output with positive half of sine wave with upward shift of 1V.

2. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k. Voltage V is -1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)
Find output of system if resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V is -1V in given circuit
a) Circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1 & Voltage V is -1V - option a
b) Circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1 & Voltage V is -1V - option b
c) Circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1 & Voltage V is -1V - option c
d) Circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1 & Voltage V is -1V - option d
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD-V
= 5sint – 0.7 + 1 = 5sint + 0.3
The voltage across resistor R2 = Vtotal x R2/(R1+R2)
= (5sint + 0.3) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5+0.3/2 = 2.65V
The output will be positive half of sine wave with a downward shift of 1V.
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output
Output is positive half of sine wave with downward shift of 1V.

3. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k. Voltage V is 1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)
Find the output of the system if circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V is 1V
Find the output of system if Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V for given clipper circuit
a) Clipper circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V is 1V - option a
b) Clipper circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V is 1V - option b
c) Clipper circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V is 1V - option c
d) Clipper circuit with resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V is 1V - option d
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD+V
= 5sint – 0.7 + 1 = 5sint + 0.3
The voltage across resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2)
= (5sint + 0.3) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5+0.3/2 = 2.65V
The output will be positive half of sine wave with maximum voltage of 2.65V
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output.
Positive half of sine wave with maximum voltage where red is input & green is output

4. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k. Voltage V is 1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)
Find the output of system if Vin is signal diode resistor connected voltage drop model
Graph representing variation in voltage across resistor with respect to time
a) Clipper circuit with Voltage V is 1V & Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V - option a
b) Clipper circuit with Voltage V is 1V & Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V - option b
c) Clipper circuit with Voltage V is 1V & Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V - option c
d) Clipper circuit with Voltage V is 1V & Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V - option d
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Answer: d
Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD-V
= 6sint – 0.7 – 1 = 6sint – 1.7
The voltage across resistor R2 = Vtotal x R2/(R1+R2)
= (6sint – 1.7) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 6-1.7/2 = 2.15V
The output will be positive half of sine wave with reduction of 1.7V and maximum of 2.15V.
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output.
Positive half of sine wave with reduction of 1.7V where red is input & green is output

5. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k. Voltage V1 is 1V and V2 is 1.5V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)
Find output if Vin signal of resistance R1 & R2 is 1k, Voltage V1 is 1V & V2 is 1.5V
Find output if Vin signal of Cut-in voltage is 0.7V, Voltage V1 is 1V & V2 is 1.5V
a) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1V & V2 is 1.5V - option a
b) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1V & V2 is 1.5V - option b
c) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1V & V2 is 1.5V - option c
d) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1V & V2 is 1.5V - option d
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Answer: a
Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD-V1-V2
= 5sint – 0.7 – 1 – 1.5 = 5sint -3.2
The voltage across resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2)
= (5sint – 3.2) 1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-3.2/2 = 0.9V.
The output will be positive half of sine wave with reduction of 3.2V and maximum of 0.9V.
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output.
Positive half of sine wave with reduction of 3.2V where red is input & green is output

6. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k. Voltage V1 is -1.5V and V2 is 1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will be the output of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)
Find output if Vin is signal Voltage V1 is -1.5V & V2 is 1V & Cut-in voltage is 0.7V
Find output if Vin signal Voltage V1 is -1.5V & V2 is 1V & resistance R1 & R2 is 1k
a) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k, voltage V1 is -1.5V & V2 is 1V - option a
b) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k, voltage V1 is -1.5V & V2 is 1V - option b
c) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k, voltage V1 is -1.5V & V2 is 1V - option c
d) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k, voltage V1 is -1.5V & V2 is 1V - option d
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD-V1-V2
= 5sint – 0.7 + 1.5 – 1 = 5sint – 0.2
The voltage across resistor R2 = Vtotalx R2/(R1+R2)
= (5sint – 0.2)1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-0.2/2 = 2.4V.
The output will be positive half of sine wave with a maximum of 2.4V.
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output.
FInd the input of red green wavelength from the given graph

7. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k. Voltage V1 is 1.5V and V2 is -1V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will be the output, Vout of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)
Find Vout if Vin is signal Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is -1V & cut-in voltage is 0.7V
Find Vout if Vin is signal Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is -1V & resistance R1 & R2 is 1k
a) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is -1V - option a
b) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is -1V - option b
c) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is -1V - option c
d) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is -1V - option d
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD-V1-V2
= 5sint – 0.7 – 1.5 + 1 = 5sint – 1.2
The voltage across resistor R2 = Vtotal x R2/(R1+R2)
= (5sint – 1.2)1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-1.2/2 = 1.9V.
The output will be positive half of sine wave with a maximum of 1.9V.
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output.
Graph of positive half of sine wave with a maximum of 1.9V

8. In the following clipper circuit resistance R1 and R2 is 1k. Voltage V1 is 1.5V and V2 is 1 V. Cut-in voltage of diode is 0.7V. What will be the output, Vout of the system if Vin is the signal given below?
(Use constant voltage drop model for diode)
Find Vout if Vin is signal Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is 1V & cut-in voltage is 0.7V
Find Vout if Vin signal Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is 1V & resistance R1 & R2 is 1k
a) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is 1V - option a
b) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is 1V - option b
c) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is 1V - option c
d) Clipper circuit resistance R1 & R2 is 1k & Voltage V1 is 1.5V & V2 is 1V - option d
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Answer: d
Explanation: Total voltage in the circuit is Vin-VD-V1-V2
= 5sint – 0.7 – 1.5 – 1 = 5sint – 3.2
The voltage across resistor R2 = Vtotal x R2/(R1+R2)
= (5sint – 3.2)1/2
Maximum value of output will be 5-3.2/2 = 0.9V.
The output will be positive half of sine wave with a maximum of 0.9V and with an upward shift of 1V.
In the diagram below Red is input and green is output.
Graph of positive half of sine wave with a maximum of 0.9V & with an upward shift of 1V

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