Aircraft Design Questions and Answers – Configuration Layout – Vulnerability Considerations

This set of Aircraft Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Configuration Layout – Vulnerability Considerations”.

1. Vulnerability of an aircraft is ability of the aircraft ______________
a) to sustain damage, continue flying and return to base
b) to get damaged and failed
c) to the radar detection
d) to an IR detection
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vulnerability is the ability of an aircraft which concerns whether the aircraft can sustain damage and continue to fly in order to return to the base. An aircraft can be damaged in number of ways such as through gun.

2. __________ is key parameter for vulnerability.
a) Visual area
b) RCS
c) IR
d) Vulnerable area
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Answer: d
Explanation: Vulnerable area is key parameter of a vulnerability. It is the product of probability of an aircraft component to be hit and the projected area of that component. RCS concerns with radar detection. IR concerns with IR detectability.

3. Vulnerable area will be same for each and every aircraft.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Vulnerable area will not be the same for each aircraft. Every aircraft is sized based on their mission requirement. Size of the aircraft probability of hit will be different for each aircraft as well.

4. FMEA stands for?
a) Failure mass and effective analogy
b) Failure mass and effect analysis
c) Failure modes and effect analysis
d) Failure modes and effect analogy
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Answer: c
Explanation: FMEA stands for ‘Failure modes and effect analysis ’. Determination of FMEA is one of the most important step for evaluation of vulnerability of an aircraft. This step is done at later stage during conceptual design.

5. FMEA will consider _____________
a) rcs
b) lift
c) weight by an aircraft
d) which battle damage can affect individual aircraft components?
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Answer: d
Explanation: FMEA stand for Failure modes and effect analysis. It is a very important consideration in terms of vulnerability of an aircraft. The FMEA considers in 2 ways:
i. Which battle damage can affect the individual components?
ii. Which damage to each part will affect the other component of an aircraft?
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6. We can improve vulnerability by _____________
a) placing fuel tanks inside the engine
b) placing fuel tanks on the engine
c) avoiding fuel tanks near to the engine
d) placing fuel tanks at any location
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Answer: c
Explanation: Fuel tank location can affect the vulnerability of an aircraft. Fuel tanks can catch fire much quickly. Hence, to improve vulnerability it is advised to avoid placing fuel tanks near or above the engine or inside the engine.

7. A firewall should be provided for vulnerability consideration.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: Firewalls are used to reduce the effect of flames during hazardous conditions. Firewall will prevent the spread of the flames. Hence, we can improve vulnerability by properly placing and locating the firewall.

8. In order to improve vulnerability consideration, we can use _________
a) we cannot improve it
b) high lift device
c) vortex generator
d) redundant components
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Answer: d
Explanation: Redundant components in simple words are additional components which can be used at the time of emergencies or failure of the component. For example, redundant of hydraulic system, electric system, etc. can improve survivability. Hence, by using redundant component we can improve the vulnerability of our design.

9. An aircraft component has presented area 6 ft2 with Pk as 1.0. Find vulnerable area.
a) 6ft2
b) 82ft2
c) 7ft2
d) 72ft2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Given, area a = 6ft2, Pk = 1.0
Vulnerable area = a*Pk = 6*1 = 6ft2.

10. If an aircraft has three components which can be considered as vulnerable components then, evaluate total vulnerable area. Given area of component 1, 2 and 3 are 5ft2, 4ft2 and 80ft2 respectively with Pk as 1, 0.5 and 0.3 for component 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
a) 50ft2
b) 31ft2
c) 10ft2
d) 4ft
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given, part 1: area a1=5ft2, pk1=1
Part 2: area a2=4ft2, pk2=0.5
Part 2: area a3=80ft2, pk3=0.3
Total vulnerable area = a1*pk1 + a2*pk2 + a3*pk3 = 5*1 + 4*0.5 + 80*0.3 = 5+2+24 = 31ft2.

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