HTML Questions & Answers – Responsive Overview – 7

This set of Advanced HTML Questions and Answers focuses on “Responsive Overview – 7”.

1. How many glyphs does bootstrap include?
a) 369
b) 360
c) 260
d) 100
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Answer: c
Explanation: Bootstrap includes 260 glyphs from Glyphicon Halflings set. They are normally not available for free, but their creator has made them available for Bootstrap free of cost.

2. Which of the following allows an element to lock to an area on the page?
a) affix
b) alert
c) popover
d) tooltip
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Answer: a
Explanation: The affix plugin allows an element to become affixed (locked) to an area on the page. It is often used with navigation menus or social icon buttons, to make them “stick” to the specific area while scrolling up and down the page. An alert message box is created on window by alert element. popover box displays when user clicks on that element. Tootlip is popoup box which appears when user hovers the mouse pointer on it.

3. Which of the following occurs after fixed positioned is added to the element?
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Answer: b
Explanation: occurs after fixed positioning is added to the element e.g. after .affix-top class is replaced with .affix class, affix-bs.affix occurs before fixed positioning is added to the element e.g. when .affix-top class is to be replaced with .affix class. Affix-top-bs.affix occurs before top ekement return to its original place. Affixed-top-bs.affix occurs before top ekement return to its original place.

4. What indicates a closable alert box?
a) .alert-danger
b) .alert-dismissible
c) .alert-link
d) .alert-success
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Answer: b
Explanation: .alert-dismissible indicates a closable alert box, together with .close class, this class is used to close the alert, adds extra padding, .alert-danger creates the red alert, indicates dangerous or potentially negative action. .alert-link is used on links inside alerts to give matching coloured links. .alert-success displays a green alert.

5. Which of the following makes the button appear pressed?
a) .btn-link
b) .disabled
c) .active
d) .btn-block
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Answer: c
Explanation: .active makes the button appear pressed, .disabled makes button disabled, .btn-link makes the button look like a link, .btn-block makes a block-level button, spans the full width of the parent element.

6. What changes button text to the original text?
a) .button(“loading”)
b) .button(“string”)
c) .button(“reset”)
d) .button(“toggle”)
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Answer: c
Explanation: .button(“reset”) changes button text to original text if changed, .button(“toggle”) makes button look pressed, .button(“loading”) disables the button and changes the button text to “loading…” .button(“string”) specifies a new button.

7. What adds slides to carousel?
a) .carousel
b) .carousel-inner
c) .item
d) .carousel-indicators
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Answer: b
Explanation: .carousel creates a slideshow. .carousel-inner is a container for slide items. .carousel-inner adds slides to the carousel, .item specifies the content of each slide, .carousel-indicators adds indicators for the carousel, these are little dots at bottom of each slide which indicates how many slides are there in the carousel and the slide which the user is currently viewing.

8. The default value for an interval is __________
a) 4000
b) 5000
c) 1000
d) 2390
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Answer: b
Explanation: interval specifies the delay in milliseconds between each slide, we can set the interval to false to stop items from automatically sliding, its default value is 5000. The set value should be number or Boolean false.

9. What activates the collapsible element with an option?
a) .collapse(“options”)
b) .collapse(“show”)
c) .collapse(“”toggle)
d) .collapse(“hide”)
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Answer: a
Explanation: .collapse(“options”) activates collapsible element with an option, .collapse(“toggle”) toggles collapsible element, .collapse(“show”) shows collapsible element, .collapse(“hide”) hides collapsible element.

10. Which event occurs when collapsible element is fully shown?
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Answer: b
Explanation: occurs when collapsible element is fully shown after CSS transitions have completed, occurs when collapsible element is about to be shown. occurs when collapsible element is fully hidden. occurs when collapsible element is about to be hidden.

11. Which of the following fades the model in and out?
a) .modal-content
b) .moal-lg
c) .fade
d) .modal-sm
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Answer: c
Explanation: .fade adds an animation or transition effect which fades modal in and out, .modal-sm specifies a small modal, .modal-lg specifies a large modal, .modal-content style modal properly with border, background-color etc.

12. What appends the popover to specific elements?
a) container
b) content
c) delay
d) placement
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Answer: a
Explanation: container appends the popover to specific element, e.g. container: ‘body’, content specifies the text inside popover’s body, delay specifies the number of milliseconds it will take to open and close popover. The popover position is specified by placement.

13. Which of the following specifies header text of popover?
a) title
b) trigger
c) selector
d) placement
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Answer: a
Explanation: title specifies the header text of popover, its default value is “”, trigger specifies how popover is triggered, placement specifies popover position. A popover can be added to specified selector by selector.

14. What is the default value of offset?
a) 20
b) 10
c) 30
d) 50
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Answer: b
Explanation: The default value of offset is 10, it specifies number of pixels to offset from top when calculating the position of scroll.

15. Which of the following method will hide and destroy tooltip?
a) .tooltip(“hide”)
b) .tooltip(“toggle”)
c) .tooltip(“destroy”)
d) .tooltip(options)
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Answer: c
Explanation: .tooltip(“destroy”) hides and destroys the tooltip, .tooltip(“hide”) hides the tooltip, .tooltip(options) activates the tooltip with an option. .tooltip(“toggle”) toggles the tooltip.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – HTML.

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