This set of Fermentation Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Microbiology – Sampling and Testing”.
1. In which of the following method microorganisms do not grow on the surface of the media?
a) Spread plate
b) Pour plate
c) Membrane filtration
d) Surface fermentation
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Explanation: In spread plate method and membrane filtration techniques the microorganisms grow on the surface of the medium. Whereas in the pour plate technique the sample is directly added to the hot medium and the organisms grow within the medium. Surface fermentation is the growing of organisms on the surface, hence the name.
2. Which of the following is not the shape of bacteria?
a) Rod
b) Square
c) Spherical
d) Twisted
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Explanation: Square is not the shape of bacteria. The shapes of bacteria include rod, twisted, and spherical according to which they are called bacillus, spiral, and coccus.
3. Who summarized the items required for testing of the brewery samples?
a) Simpson
b) Smith
c) Gram
d) Casey
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Explanation: Simpson in 1996 provided a useful summary of the items required for the microbiological testing of the brewery samples. For example, the glasses were replaced by disposable plastics.
4. Which of the following does not include in the WLN medium?
a) Ferric chloride
b) Glucose
c) Magnesium chloride
d) Calcium chloride
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Explanation: Magnesium chloride is not present in the WLN medium. The Wallerstein Laboratories Nutrient (WLN) medium consists of glucose, ferric chloride, calcium chloride, monopotassium phosphate, potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, yeast extract, agar, distilled water, etc.
5. Which of the following is not added in the MRS medium?
a) Tween 80
b) Sodium Acetate
c) Glucose
d) Magnesium chloride
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Explanation: Magnesium chloride is not added in the MRS medium. It consists of Tween 80, sodium acetate, glucose, yeast extract, peptone, lab-lemco powder, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, agar, distilled water, etc.
6. Which of the following media is the universal media across the brewing industry?
a) MRS media
b) WLN media
c) NBB media
d) MYGP media
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Explanation: Wallerstein Laboratories Nutrient agar media is the universal media across the brewing industry. The history of the development of the media is detailed in Casey and Ingledew in 1981. It consists of glucose as the only carbon.
7. Which of the following is present in WLN media as a pH indicator?
a) Phenolphthalein
b) Methyl blue
c) Methyl orange
d) Bromocresol green
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Explanation: Bromocresol green is the component of WLN media composition which is the only pH indicator. However, doubling the concentration of Bromocresol green has found the application in the differentiation of closely related brewing yeasts.
8. Who discovered the MYGP + copper medium?
a) Taylor and Marsh
b) Kuhle and Jespersen
c) Quain and Hammond
d) Simpson and Marsh
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Explanation: Taylor and Marsh in 1984 discovered the MYGP + copper medium. It is a single medium for wild yeasts (Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces) and is normally prepared from commercial MYGP media.
9. Which of the following media is not used in the detection of lactic acid bacteria?
a) MRS media
b) Raka Ray
c) WLN media
d) NBB media
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Explanation: WLN media is not used in the detection of lactic acid bacteria. MRS media, Raka Ray, and the modified NBB media is used in the detection of lactic acid bacteria and are the market leaders for LAB detection.
10. Who coined the terms ‘luciferin’ and ‘luciferase’?
a) McElroy
b) DuBois
c) Stanley
d) Hysert
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Explanation: DuBois coined the terms luciferin and luciferase for, respectively, the reaction’s substrate and enzyme. He also demonstrated that a crude extract of fireflies emitted light that eventually faded and disappeared and called the phenomena as ATP bioluminescence.
11. Which of the following is not a single-shot system?
a) SwabMate
b) Aqua-Trace™
c) Clean-Trace™
d) Xcel
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Explanation: SwabMate, Aqua-Trace™, and Clean-Trace™ are the single-shot system. SwabMate is from Celsis and Aqua-TraceTM, and Clean-TraceTM is from Biotrace. Celsius uses the SysteSURE™ and Biotrace uses the Uni-Lite® and Uni-Lite® Xcel.
12. Which of the following enables the monitoring of ATP during a CIP cycle?
a) AK technology
b) CFL
c) Photoluminescence
d) Bioluminescence
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Explanation: The continuous-flow luminometry (CFL) enables the continuous monitoring of ATP during a CIP cycle. The AutoTrack development marked the advent of CFL.
13. DEFT accelerates detection of microorganisms.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Direct Epifluorescent Filter Technique (DEFT) accelerate the detection of microorganisms by staining them with fluorescent dyes. This is later on visualized under a fluorescent microscope.
14. ELISA is used in determining antigen-antibody concentration.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: ELISA is an enzyme-linked ImmunoSorbent Assay which is used in the determination of antigen-antibody concentration. There are mainly three types of ELISA: Indirect, Sandwich, and Competitive ELISA.
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