Here are Soil Mechanics MCQs (Chapterwise).
1. For engineering purposes, how can soil be classified?
a) Unified soil
b) Particle size
c) Textural
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: For general engineering purposes, soil can be classified in terms of particle size, textural and unified soil.
2. Which part of soil mechanics deals with soil under dynamic conditions?
a) Soil dynamics
b) Mass spring system
c) Mass system
d) Soil system
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Explanation: Soil dynamics is defined as that constituent part of soil mechanics which deals with soil under dynamic conditions.
3. Which of the following factors affects the permeability of soil?
a) Void ratio of soils
b) Properties of pore fluid
c) Grain size
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Grain size, properties of pore fluid, structural soil arrangement of soil particles, entrapped air and foreign matter and adsorbed water.
4. When is a soil sample considered well graded?
a) Excess of certain particles
b) Good representation of particles of all size
c) If it has most number of particles of same size
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: A soil is said to be well graded when it has a good representation of particle of all size.
5. When can the shrinking limit be found out using an alternate method?
a) Water content in the soil is known
b) Dry density of soil is known
c) The specific gravity of soil is known
d) Dry volume of soil is known
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Explanation: Alternatively, shrinking limit can be found out if the specific gravity G of the soil grains is known.
6. What property of soil allows it to be deformed rapidly without rupture?
a) Plasticity
b) Tenacity
c) Elasticity
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Plasticity is the property of a soil which allows it to be deformed rapidly, without rupture, without elastic rebound and without volume change.
7. What are the ways of preventing of inclusion of air bubbles in shrinkage dish?
a) Coating the surface with a thin layer of oil
b) Mixing the soil with sufficient distilled water and Making the soil pasty enough
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Mixing the soil with sufficient distilled water and making it pasty enough prevents forming air bubbles in shrinking dish.
8. Which of the following is exhibited by collapsible soil?
a) Loose bulky grains hold together by capillary stresses
b) Silts where cementing agent is soluble
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: A common feature of collapsible soil is the loose bulky grain held together by capillary stresses.
9. How will the specific surface of a soil particle be affected?
a) Inversely proportional to electric force
b) Proportional to inter-molecular surface
c) Directly proportional to electric force
d) Proportional to the compressive force
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Explanation: The electrical force responsible for inter-particle effect is proportional to the specific surface.
10. On what is the Indian standard classification of soil based?
a) International soil classification
b) PRA system
c) Indian system
d) M.I.T system
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Explanation: Indian standard classification (IS: 1948-1970) is based on the M.I.T. system.
11. What is the purpose of soil classification?
a) To use it for various purpose
b) To arrange various soils types in to groups
c) For investigating the soil
d) For finding its properties
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Explanation: The purpose of soil classification is to arrange various types of soils in to groups according to their engineering or agricultural properties.
12. A soil is considered as coarse grained, if it retains more than ___________ in a sieve.
a) 50% of the soil
b) 70% of the soil
c) 90% of the soil
d) 20% of the soil
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Explanation: If more than 50 % of the soil is retained on a NO.200 US sieve (0.075), it is designated as coarse grained soil.
13. Which soil properties are influenced by soil structure?
a) Shear strength
b) Permeability
c) Compressibility
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: Soil structure is an important factor which influences many soil properties such as permeability, compressibility, and shear strength.
14. What type of soil structure has a comparatively loose stable structure?
a) Single grained
b) Flocculent
c) Honey comb
d) Cohesive matrix
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Explanation: Honey comb structure is composed of loosely arranged bundle of particle. Hence they have comparatively less stable structure than others.
15. Who developed the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)?
a) Rankine
b) Casagrande
c) Atterberg
d) Kozney
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Explanation: In 1940, casagrande originally developed the unified soil classification system (USCS).
16. Coarse grained soil is sub-divided in to _______________
a) Sand and silt
b) Silt and clay
c) Gravel and clay
d) Gravel and sand
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Explanation: Based on the soil size, coarse grained soil is divided in to gravel and sand.
17. What type of soil water is impossible to remove from the soil?
a) Solvate water
b) Capillary water
c) Structural water
d) Pore water
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Explanation: Under loading encountered in soil engineering, it is found out that structural water cannot be separated or removed and therefore it is considered as a part and parcel of the soil particle.
18. Which one of the following factor does not affect soil suction?
a) Plasticity index of a soil
b) Atmospheric pressure
c) Water content
d) Temperature
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Explanation: As the atmospheric pressure, does not have any effect on water in the soil mass. It does not contribute to the affecting factor.
19. Volume change in soil is due to which of the following factor?
a) Change in pressure
b) Change in particle size
c) Water content is changed
d) Increase in soil density
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Explanation: Decrease in the water content of the soil causes shrinkage while an increase of water content causes swelling.
20. Which of the following action can be used to prevent deep frost penetration in the ground surface in building?
a) Providing proper drainage
b) Interposing a pervious gravel blanket
c) Removing the frost susceptible soil
d) Placing insulating blankets of sand and gravel
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Explanation: Placing insulating blankets of 15 to 30 cm thick layer of sand and gravel on the ground surface above the frost susceptible to prevent deep penetration method.
21. The study of seepage of water through soil is important for, which of the following purpose?
a) Ground water flow towards well
b) Drainage of soils
c) Stability of slopes
d) All of the mentioned
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Explanation: The study of seepage of water through soil is important for the following engineering problem
i. Ground water towards soil and drainage of soil
ii. Calculation of seepage through the body of earth dams, and stability of slopes.
Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Soil Mechanics
- Preliminary Definitions and Relationships
- Index Properties Determination
- Classification of Soils
- Soil Structure and Clay Minerology
- Soil Water Effective and Neutral Stresses
- Permeability
- Well Hydraulics
- Seepage Analysis
- Drainage and Dewatering
- Elements of Elasticity
- Stress Distribution
- One Dimensional Consolidation
- Compaction
- Shear Strength
- Failure Envelopes & Earth Pressure
1. Preliminary Definitions and Relationships
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation, density index, relative compaction, soil as three phase system, functional relationships and uniform spheres packing.
2. Soil Mechanics MCQ on Index Properties Determination
The section contains questions and answers on sedimentation analysis, consistency of soils, water content, sieve analysis, particle size distribution, clays sensitivity and thixotropy, liquid determination, collapsible soils, shrinkage limit, pipette and hydrometer method.
3. Classification of Soils
The section contains MCQs on particle size classification, textural classification, unified and indian standard classification.
4. Soil Structure and Clay Minerology
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on honey comb structure as well as soil structure, structures like single grained, flocculent, dispersed and honey comb, atomic and molecule bonds and clay minerals.
5. Soil Water Effective and Neutral Stresses
The section contains questions and answers on capillary water and its potential, frost action, capillary siphoning, swelling of soil and stress conditions in soil.
6. Soil Mechanics Questions on Permeability
The section contains MCQs on darcys law and its validity, poiseuille’s law, permeability test, jodhpur permeamter and capillarity permeability test.
7. Well Hydraulics
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on dupuits theory, recuperation test, pumping in and pumping out tests.
8. Soil Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions on Seepage Analysis
The section contains questions and answers on seepage pressure, flow net application, laplace equation, khoslas theory, phreatic line of earth dam with and without filter.
9. Drainage and Dewatering
The section contains MCQs on shallow and deep well system, electro-osmosis method, seepage analysis, well point system and protective filters.
10. Elements of Elasticity
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on stress state at point, equilibrium and boundary condition equations, strain components and compatibility equations, hookes law and stress functions.
11. Soil Mechanics MCQ on Stress Distribution
The section contains questions and answers on stresses, boussinesq equations, pressure distribution diagrams, vertical pressure, equivalent point load method, newmark’s influence chart, contact pressure, triangular loadings, vertical and horizontal pressure.
12. One Dimensional Consolidation
The section contains MCQs on consolidation process, undisturbed specimen consolidation, terzaghi’s theory of one dimensional consolidation, voids ratio calculations and volume change coefficient, consolidation problems, secondary and three dimensional consolidation.
13. Soil Mechanics Questions and Answers on Compaction
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on effect of compaction on soil properties, field compaction test, harvard miniature compaction test, jodhpur mini compactor and standard proctor test.
14. Shear Strength
The section contains questions and answers on mohrs stress circle as well as coulomb failure theory, shear test and also tri axial compression test, unconfined compression test.
15. Failure Envelopes & Earth Pressure
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on mohr-colomb failure envelope, earth pressure basics and problems, active and passive states, rankines theory, cohesive soils earth pressure, coulombs wedge theory and culmanns graphical method.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Soil Mechanics!