Machine Design Questions and Answers – Gear Trains

This set of tricky Machine Design Questions & Answers focuses on “Gear Trains”.

1. If driving gear rotates CW, driven gear will rotate?
First & last gear rotate in the opposite direction if driving gear rotates CW
a) ACW
b) CW
c) Both CW and ACW
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: If there are even number of intermediate gears between driving gears and driven gears, first and last gear rotate in the opposite direction.

2. If driving gear rotates ACW, driven gear will rotate in which direction?
First & last gear rotate in the opposite direction if driving gear rotates CW
a) ACW
b) CW
c) Both CW & ACW
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: Number of idler gears are even, then first and last gear rotate in same direction.

3. A compound gear train consists of at least 3 shafts connected to each other.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A compound gear train is characterised by one shaft carrying two gears atleast.

4. If driving gear rotates in CW, then driven gear will rotate in?
The driven gear will rotate in CW if driving gear rotates in CW
a) CW
b) ACW
c) CW & ACW
d) Can’t be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: 3-ACW,2-ACW and driven gear CW.

5. If centre distance between the two gears on same shaft is unequal to the centre distance on the other two gears on the second shaft, then this gear train is called reverted gear train.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The centre distance is equal in both the shafts.
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6. If one gear is fixed while the other gear has motion of two types i.e. rotary about its own axis and rotation about axis of fixed gear, than the gear train is _____
a) Epicyclic gear train
b) Reverted gear train
c) Kepler gear train
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Definition of epicyclic gear train.

7. Which of the following are true about epicyclic gear train?
a) Fixed gear is called sun gear
b) Rotating gear are called earth gear
c) Crank is called sun carrier
d) None of the listed
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Answer: a
Explanation: Rotating gears are called planet gears.

8. Epicyclic gears are not generally recommended due to bulky construction.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Epicyclc gears have compact construction.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Machine Design.
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