Machine Design Questions and Answers – Brakes

This set of Machine Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Brakes”.

1. The energy absorb by brake is always kinetic.
a) No, potential
b) Kinetic or potential
c) Potential
d) Strain Energy
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Answer: b
Explanation: It can be either kinetic or potential.

2. Pneumatic brakes are same as electrical brakes.
a) Yes both are concerned with electricity
b) No, one deals with pressure and other with electricity
c) Yes both deals with pressure
d) None of the listed
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pneumatic brakes are operated by fluid pressure.

3. Disc brakes are radial brakes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Disc brakes are axial brakes.

4. Internal shoe brakes are radial while external shoe brakes are axial brakes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Both internal and external shoe brakes are radial brakes.

5. A solid cast iron disk of mass 1000kg is rotating at 350rpm. Diameter of the disk is 1m and time taken to come to stop the disk by brake is 1.6sec.Calculate energy absorbed by the brake if square of radius of gyration is 0.2.
a) None of the mentioned
b) 134.3kJ
c) 165.3kJ
d) 134.2kJ
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Answer: b
Explanation: E=mk²ω²/2.

6. A solid cast iron disk of mass 1000kg is rotating at 350rpm. Diameter of the disk is 1m and time taken to come to stop the disk by brake is 1.6sec.Square of radius of gyration is 0.2. Calculate the average angular velocity during braking period.
a) 15.45rad/s
b) 17.32rad/s
c) 18.32rad/s
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: ω(avg)=[ω()initial+ω(final)]/2.

7. A solid cast iron disk of mass 1000kg is rotating at 350rpm. Diameter of the disk is 1m and time taken to come to stop the disk by brake is 1.6sec.Square of radius of gyration is 0.2. Calculate the angle through which disk rotated during braking period.
a) 27.5rad
b) 24.6rad
c) 29.3rad
d) 32.4rad
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Answer: c
Explanation: ω(avg)=[ω()initial+ω(final)]/2 and θ=ωt.

8. A solid cast iron disk of mass 1000kg is rotating at 350rpm. Diameter of the disk is 1m and time taken to come to stop the disk by brake is 1.6sec.Square of radius of gyration is 0.2. Calculate the torque capacity of the brake.
a) 812.4N-m
b) 4583.6N-m
c) 612.4N-m
d) Noe of the listed
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Answer: b
Explanation: M=E/θ.

9. An automobile brake is only used to reduce the speed or bring the vehicle to hault.
a) Yes
b) No, it also be used to hold the car
c) Brake acts only onmoving vehicles
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: It can also be used to hold the car stationary.

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