Linear Integrated Circuit Questions and Answers – Band-Reject and All-Pass Filters

This set of Linear Integrated Circuit Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Band-Reject and All-Pass Filters”.

1. How many types of band elimination filters are present
a) Three
b) Two
c) Four
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Band-reject filters are also called as band elimination filters. They are classified into two types.
i) Wide band-reject filter and
ii) Narrow band-reject filter.

2. Find the wide band-reject filter.
Find the wide band-reject filter from the given diagram
Find the summing amplifier from the given diagram
Find the type of filter from the given diagram
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A wide band-reject filter is made using a low pass filter, a high pass filter and a summing amplifier.

3. A narrow band-reject filter is commonly called as
a) Notch filter
b) Band step filter
c) Delay filter
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: A narrow band-reject filter is also called as notch filter because of its higher quality factor, Q (>10).

4. Find the expression for notch-out frequency?
a) fN = 2πRC
b) fN = 2π/RC
c) fN = 1/2π×√(R/C)
d) fN = 1/2πRC
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Answer: d
Explanation: The notch-out frequency is the frequency at which maximum attenuation occurs: it is given by fN =1/2πRC.

5. The quality factor of passive twin T-network is increased by using
a) Inverting amplifier
b) Non-inverting amplifier
c) Voltage follower
d) Differential amplifier
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Answer: c
Explanation: The passive twin T-network has a selectively low figure of merit. The Q of the network can be increased significantly, if it is used with the voltage follower.

6. Find out the application in which narrow band-reject filter can be used?
a) Embedded system
b) Biomedical instrument
c) Digital computer
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Notch filters or narrow band-reject filters are used in biomedical instruments for eliminating undesired frequencies.

7. Design 120Hzactive notch filter?
Find the 120Hzactive notch filter from the given diagram
Find the notch frequency from of the given diagram
Find the two 0.68µF capacitor from the given diagram
Find the phase changes from the given diagram
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since C value < 0.1µF, assume C=0.68µF Notch Frequency, fn = 1/2πRC.
R= 1/(2πfnC)= 1/(2π×120Hz×0.68×10-6) = 1.95kΩ ≅2kΩ.
For R/2, parallel of two 2kΩ resistor
=>R/2 = 2kΩ||2kΩ =(2×2)/(2+2)=1kΩ.
For C/2 , parallel of two 0.68µF capacitor
C/2=> 0.68µF + 0.68µF= 1.36µF.

8. Find the application of area where all-pass filters are used?
a) Cathode ray oscilloscope
b) Television
c) Telephone wire
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: When signals are transmitted in transmission lines like telephone wire, they undergo change in phase, all-pass filters are used to compensate these phase changes.

9. Determine the output voltage for all the all-pass filter and express it in complex form?
a) VO =Vin/ [(1-j2πfRC) /(1+ j2πfRC)].
b) VO =Vin× [(1+j2πfRC) /(1- j2πfRC)].
c) VO =Vin ×[(1- j2πfRC) /(1+ j2πfRC)].
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: The output voltage of all-pass filter is given as VO =Vin× [(1-j2πfRC) /(1+j2πfRC)] .

10. Determine the input frequency for all-pass filter with phase angle as 62o. Consider the value of resistor and capacitor are 3.3kΩ and 4.7µF.
a) Input frequency= -7.65Hz
b) Input frequency= -6.77Hz
c) Input frequency= -3.89Hz
d) Input frequency= -9.65Hz
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Answer: d
Explanation: The phase angle is given as Φ = -2tan-1×(2πfRC)
=> f=-tanΦ/4πRC =-tan(62o)/(4π×3.3kΩ×4.7µF)= -1.88/0.1948 =-9.65Hz.

11. Determine the angle for given circuit diagram, if the frequency of input signal is 1khz
Determine the angle for given circuit diagram
a) -45o
b) -180o
c) -270o
d) -90o
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Answer: d
Explanation: Phase angle Φ=-2tan-1×(2πfRC/1) = -2tan-1×(2π×1kHz×16kΩ×0.01µF)
= -2tan-1×(1.0048)=-90o.

12. The voltage gain magnitude of all-pass filter is
a) Zero
b) One
c) Infinity
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The magnitude of voltage gain of all-pass filter |VO /Vin| = √(1+(2π/RC)2) / √(1+(2 π/RC)2) =1.

13. What happens if the position of R and C are interchanged in the below circuit diagram?
Determine the relation between Vo and Vin if the positions of R and C are interchanged
a) Vin leads VO
b) Vin lags VO
c) VO leads Vin
d) VO leads Vin
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Answer: c
Explanation: For the circuit given, the phase angle changes from 0 to 180o as frequency is varied from 0 to ∞. If the positions of R and C are interchanged, the phase shift and band width input and output becomes positive. That is the output (VO) leads input (Vin).

14. Choose the incorrect statement “In wide band-reject filter” .
a) Low cut-off frequency of low pass filter must be larger than the high cut-off frequency of the high pass filter.
b) Low cut-off frequency of high pass filter must be equal than the high cut-off frequency of the high pass filter.
c) Low cut-off frequency of high pass filter must be smaller than the high cut-off frequency of the low pass filter.
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: In wide band-reject filter, low cut-off frequency of high pass filter must be larger than the high cut-off frequency of the low pass filter.

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