Fluid Mechanics Questions and Answers – Types of Fluids

This set of Fluid Mechanics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Fluids”.

1. The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid where A and n are constants. If n = 1, what type of fluid will it be?
a) Newtonian fluid
b) Non-Newtonian fluid
c) Pseudoplastic
d) Bingham plastic
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Answer: a
Explanation: When n = 1, the relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity: z = A * The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure, where A will represent the viscosity of the fluid. The fluid following this relation will be a Newtonian fluid.

2. The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by fluid-mechanics-questions-answers-types-fluid-q1d where A and n are constants. If n > 1, what type of fluid will it be?
a) Newtonian fluid
b) Dilatant
c) Pseudoplastic
d) Bingham plastic
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Answer: b
Explanation: When n ≠ 1, the relation will be treated as Power law for Non-Newtonian fluids:
fluid-mechanics-questions-answers-types-fluid-q1d. For n > 1, the rate of change of the shear stress increases with the increase in the value of velocity gradient. Such fluids are called Dilatants.

3. The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid where A and n are constants. If n < 1, what type of fluid will it be?
a) Newtonian fluid
b) Dilatant
c) Pseudoplastic
d) Bingham plastic
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Answer: c
Explanation: When n ≠ 1, the relation will be treated as Power law for Non-Newtonian fluids:
The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid. For n < 1, the rate of change of the shear stress decreases with the increase in the value of velocity gradient. Such fluids are called Pseudoplastics.

4. The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid + B where A, n and B are constants. Which of the following conditions will hold for a Bingham plastic?
a) A = 0;B ≠ 0; n ≠ 1
b) A ≠ 0;B = 0; n ≠ 1
c) A = 0;B = 0; n = 1
d) A ≠ 0;B ≠ 0; n = 1
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Answer: d
Explanation: For Bingham Plastics, shear stress will not remain constant after an yield value of stress. Thus, A ≠ 0;B ≠ 0. After the yield value, the relation between the shear stress and velocity gradient will become linear. hus, n = 1.

5. The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid+ B where A, n and B are constants. Which of the following conditions will hold for a Rheopectic?
a) A = 0;B ≠ 0; n > 1
b) A ≠ 0;B = 0; n < 1
c) A = 0;B = 0; n < 1
d) A ≠ 0;B ≠ 0; n > 1
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Answer: d
Explanation: For Rheopectics, shear stress will not remain constant after an yield value of stress. Thus, A ≠ 0; B ≠ 0. After the yield value, the rate of change of the shear stress increases with the increase in the value of velocity gradient. Thus, n > 1.
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6. The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid + B where A, n and B are constants. Which of the following conditions will hold for a Thixotropic fluid?
a) A = 0;B ≠ 0; n > 1
b) A ≠ 0;B = 0; n > 1
c) A = 0;B = 0; n < 1
d) A ≠ 0;B ≠ 0; n < 1
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Answer: d
Explanation: For Thixotropics, shear stress will not remain constant after an yield value of stress. Thus, A ≠ 0;B ≠ 0. After the yield value, the rate of change of the shear stress decreases with the increase in the value of velocity gradient. Thus, n < 1.

7. The graph shows relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid where A and n are constants. The graphs are drawn for three values of n. Which one will be the correct relationship between n1, n2 and n3?
The correct relationship between n1, n2 & n3 is n1 < n2 < n3 in given figure
a) n1 > n2 > n3
b) n1 < n2 < n3
c) n1 > n3 > n2
d) n1 < n3 < n2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The graph corresponding to n = n1 represents Pseudoplastics, for which the rate of change of the shear stress decreases with the increase in the value of velocity gradient. The graph corresponding to n = n2 represents Newtonian fluids, for which shear stress changes linearly with the change in velocity gradient. The graph corresponding to n = n3 represents Dilatents, for which the rate of change of the shear stress increases with the increase in the value of velocity gradient.

8. Which of the following is a shear-thinnning fluid?
a) Bingham plastic
b) Rheopectic
c) Dilatant
d) Pseudoplastic
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Answer: d
Explanation: Shear-thinning fluids are those which gets strained easily at high values of shear stresses. The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a shear-thinning fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid, where A and n are constants and n < 1. This relation is followed by Pseudoplastics.

9. Which of the following is a shear-thickening fluid?
a) Bingham plastic
b) Thixotropic
c) Dilatant
d) Pseudoplastic
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Answer: c
Explanation: Shear-thickening fluids are those for which it gets harger to strain it at high values of shear stresses. The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a shear-thickening fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid where A and n are constants and n > 1. This relation is followed by Dilatants.

10. For what value of flow behaviour index, does the consistency index has a dimension independent of time?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: c
Explanation: The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid
where A is the flow consistency index and n is the flow behaviour index.
The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient if A is flow consistency index
Thus [A] will be independent of time when n = 2.

11. What will be the dimension of the flow consistency index for a fluid with a flow behaviour index of 3?
a) [M L-2 T].
b) [M L-2 T-1].
c) [M L-1 T-2].
d) [M L-1 T].
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Answer: d
Explanation: The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid where A is the flow consistency index and n is the flow behaviour index. Putting n = 3,
Find the dimension of flow consistency index for fluid with flow behaviour index of 3

12. What will be the dimension of the flow consistency index for a fluid with a flow behaviour index of -1?
a) N/m2 s2
b) N/m2 s
c) N/ms
d) N/ms2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The relation between shear stress Z and velocity gradient The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure of a fluid is given by The relation reduces to Newton’s law of viscosity where A represents viscosity of fluid where A is the flow consistency index and n is the flow behaviour index. If n = -1, A = Z * The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figureUnit of Z is N/m2 and The relation between shear stress Z & velocity gradient in figure is s-1. Thus, the unit of A will be N/m2 s.

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