Construction & Building Materials Questions and Answers – Deep Excavations – Some Terms in Timbering

This set of Basic Construction & Building Materials Questions and Answers focuses on “Deep Excavations – Some Terms in Timbering”.

1. _________ is defined as the main plank which remains in contact with sides of Trench.
a) Sheeting
b) Wale
c) Sheathing
d) Bracing
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Answer: a
Explanation: The term Sheathing is used to indicate vertical members of timber in which directly resist pressure from the side of a Trench.

2. Identify the missing data in the below figure.
Strut a piece of timber which maintains of fixed distance between the sheeting
a) Bracing
b) Sheeting
c) Strut
d) Wale
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Answer: c
Explanation: The piece of timber which maintains of fixed distance between the sheeting or between the wales is known as Strut. It is the horizontal member used in the trenches as shown in the above figure.

3. Identify the missing data in the below figure.
Bracing is diagonal piece of timber used to give rigidity to the Framework
a) Ranger
b) Wale
c) Sheathing
d) Bracing
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Answer: d
Explanation: The diagonal piece of timber used to give rigidity to the Framework is known as the Bracing. These members are mostly subjected to compressive forces.

4. Identify the missing data.
Wale a piece of timber which transfers the load from the sheeting to the Strut
a) Wale
b) Strut
c) Bracing
d) Sheeting
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ranger or Wale is the name given to the piece of timber which transfers the load from the sheeting to the Strut. This piece of timber also acts as a supporting member for bracing.

5. Identify the given type of Timbering.
Box sheeting arrangement of preventing slip of earth in foundation trenches
a) Runner
b) Stay bracing
c) Box sheeting
d) Vertical sheeting
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Answer: c
Explanation: Box sheeting arrangement of preventing the slip of earth in foundation trenches is used when excavation is to be carried out in loose soil and when the depth of excavation does not exceed 4 meters.
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6. Identify the given type of Timbering.
The arrangement of Runner as in given figure is adopted extremely loose & soft ground
a) Sheet piling
b) Runner
c) Stay bracing
d) Vertical sheeting
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Answer: b
Explanation: In case of extremely loose and soft ground which requires immediate support as the excavation progresses, the arrangement of Runner as shown in above given figure is adopted.

7. The __________ arrangement of preventing the sleep of earth in foundation trenches is used when the excavation is to be carried out in the moderately firm ground.
a) Runner
b) Stay bracing
c) Vertical sheeting
d) Sheet piling
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Answer: b
Explanation: In case of moderately firm ground, Stay bracing is adopted when the depth of excavation does not exceed 2 metres. In this, the vertical sheets of piling boards are placed opposite each other against the wall of the trench.

8. The _______ arrangement of preventing the slip of earth in the foundation trenches is adopted when a large area is to be excavated for depth greater than 10 meters.
a) Sheet piling
b) Runner
c) Box sheeting
d) Stay bracing
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sheet piling is used when a large area is to be excavated for depth greater than 10 meters, soil to be excavated is soft or loose, width of the trench is also large and the subsoil water is present.

9. In _______ arrangement, the vertical sheets are placed nearer or sometimes, touching each other.
a) Stay bracing
b) Box sheeting
c) Vertical sheeting
d) Runner
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Box sheeting arrangement is adopted for loose soil. In this, the sheets are kept in position by longitudinal rows of wales, usually 2 in numbers and then, the Struts are provided across the wales.

10. The _______ method is similar to box sheeting except that the work is carried out in stages and at each stage, and offset is provided.
a) Sheet piling
b) Box sheeting
c) Stay bracing
d) Vertical sheeting
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Answer: d
Explanation: For deep trenches up to about 10 metres in soft ground, the vertical sheeting is adopted. In this for each stage, vertical sheets, horizontal wales, Struts and braces are provided as usual.

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