9 Best Books on Tunnelling

We have compiled a list of the Best Reference Books on Tunnelling, which are used by students of top universities, and colleges. This will help you choose the right book depending on if you are a beginner or an expert. Here is the complete list of Tunnelling Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Tunnelling below.

1."Software for Engineering Control of Landslide and Tunnelling Hazards" by Bhawani Singh and R K Goel
“Software for Engineering Control of Landslide and Tunnelling Hazards” Book Review: This comprehensive guide provides practical insights into the subject matter, featuring 18 field-tested software packages specifically designed for analyzing landslides in both soil and rock. In addition, the guide includes six packages focused on tunnel analysis. Each package comes with its source program, user manual, and detailed worked examples. The guide also covers the analysis of geomaterials in hazardous areas, providing readers with the tools to predict potential future failures.

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2."Tunnelling in Weak Rocks (Geo-Engineering Book Series)" by Bhawani Singh and R K Goel
“Tunnelling in Weak Rocks (Geo-Engineering Book Series)” Book Review: This comprehensive book covers all the essential information on tunneling and provides practical solutions to application problems. It includes topics such as classification and design approaches for site-specific grounds, as well as a description of a new invention on a shielded tunnel boring machine. The book also contains case histories, tunnel mechanics, risk engineering, and management culture. Drawing on research experiences in both the Himalayan region and Alps, it covers chapters on tunnelling hazards, squeezing ground conditions, swelling ground conditions, critical state rock mechanics, and other important subjects. The book is richly illustrated, featuring 180 figures and 90 tables of data, as well as numerous solved examples.

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3."TBM Tunnelling in Jointed and Faulted Rock" by Nick R Barton
“TBM Tunnelling in Jointed and Faulted Rock” Book Review: This book provides detailed and step-by-step practical methods for predicting the penetration rate (PR) and advance rate (AR) for tunnel boring machines. It uses an expanded version of the Q-value, QTBM, as the foundation for its explanations. The book describes 145 TBM tunnels, totaling 1,000km in length, and explains how to estimate PR and AR from QTBM using simple formulas. Additionally, the book covers actual advance rates, which can range from five m/hr for one day to 0.005 m/hr for several months. It also includes logging methods, empirical TBM tunnel support design, and numerical verification of support.

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4."Numerical Simulation in Tunnelling" by Gernot Beer
“Numerical Simulation in Tunnelling” Book Review: This is an informative book that explores the application of numerical methods in the field of tunnelling. The book is organized into several chapters, covering a wide range of topics. Readers will learn about the fundamentals of numerical simulation, including the finite element method, soil constitutive models, and soil-structure interaction. Beer also discusses topics such as tunnel excavation methods, ground support systems, and the analysis of tunnel behavior under different conditions. This book is a valuable resource for engineers and researchers involved in tunnelling projects, providing insights into the numerical modeling and analysis techniques used in the field.

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5."Modern Trends in Tunnelling and Blast Design" by John Johansen and C F Mathiesen
“Modern Trends in Tunnelling and Blast Design” Book Review: This reference book provides a comprehensive overview of contemporary methods in the field, covering topics such as tunnelling, chamber excavations, and lake-tap blasting. It offers practical applications for geological considerations and cut design, as well as for smooth and chamber blasting techniques. The book is filled with detailed examples, including explanations of how to blast lake-tap plugs for hydroelectric projects. It serves as a valuable reference tool for anyone interested in this subject.

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6."Tunnelling and Tunnel Mechanics: A Rational Approach to Tunnelling" by Dimitrios Kolymbas
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7."Tunnelling in Rock (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering)" by Ernest E Wahlstrom
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8."Monitoring Underground Construction: A Best Practice Guide (Water and Coast Engineering)" by British Tunnelling Society
“Monitoring Underground Construction: A Best Practice Guide (Water and Coast Engineering)” Book Review: This is a comprehensive book that offers valuable guidance for monitoring underground construction projects. Divided into several chapters, the book covers a wide range of topics. Readers will learn about the importance of monitoring in underground construction, various monitoring techniques and instruments, data interpretation and analysis, and best practices for implementing effective monitoring programs. This guide serves as an essential resource for engineers and professionals involved in underground construction, providing practical insights and strategies for ensuring project safety and success.

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9."Engineering Rock Mass Classification: Tunnelling, Foundations and Landslides" by R K Goel and Bhawani Singh
“Engineering Rock Mass Classification: Tunnelling, Foundations and Landslides” Book Review: This book is designed for professionals in the construction and mining industries, specifically construction engineers, construction managers, and mining engineers. Its main purpose is to provide guidance on how to collect geotechnical data from various sources such as rock cuts, drifts, or core. Additionally, it outlines the subsequent analysis process, utilizing effective mapping techniques to aid in obtaining accurate data. The book includes common classification methods, such as Barton’s Q and Q’ systems, Bieniawski’s RMR, Laubscher’s MRMR, and Hoek’s and GSI systems, among others. To further illustrate the concepts, the book also features case studies and solved equations.

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We have put a lot of effort into researching the best books on Tunnelling and came out with a recommended list and their reviews. If any more book needs to be added to this list, please email us. We are working on free pdf downloads for books on Tunnelling and will publish the download link here. Fill out this Tunnelling books pdf download" request form for download notification.

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